Posts Tagged ‘golden age’

About the End of the Stock Market

Monday, October 6th, 2008

The Amsterdam Stock Exchange was the first stock exchange to introduce continuous trade in the early 17th century. The Dutch pioneered short selling and every other “modern” instrument. Until the sixties Government and the Big Companies were controlled by about 200 Rich Dutch Families (including the Royal Family). They controlled Society and took care of Stability.

In the 17th century the Dutch East India Company (VOC) was introduced by the Dutch Government. The VOC was the first multinational in the world and the first company to issue stock. It was the first mega corporation possessing quasi-governmental powers, including the ability to wage war, negotiate treaties, coin money, and establish colonies.

In the 17th century about 200 families, the so called Regenten, were in control of the Netherlands. The families promoted their members in every influential position available.

The Democracy of the Netherlands was in reality an Oligarchy. The “oligarchic way” of decision making, the Dutch Polder Model, is still the most important way to reach consensus in the Netherlands. Everything happens “behind closed doors”.

Until 1917 only the Rich people were allowed to Vote. The Rich Voted with their Money. In the beginning of the 20th century (1917) the universal suffrage for male citizens was introduced in the Netherlands. Two years later (1919) the female part of the country followed.

The Rich not only voted with their money they were also the most important owners of the Stocks. With the power of their stock and their money they helped their families to acquire important positions in the State and the Companies.

Until the Sixties the Rich maintained a very powerful social network based on reciprocity in the Netherlands. This network was not a local network. It was an international network. The influential Dutch Families were connected to comparable networks all over the world.

Around the Seventies the power of the Rich Families went down. They lost their influence in Parliament and in the Companies. The Flower Power Generation took over the Power at every Level of Society. After some time most of them lost their Ideals of Peace and Harmony.

They started to buy houses and shares and were helped by the Rising of the Economic Kondratiev Cycle. In contrary to the Regenten the Baby Boomers acted on their own. They were very Individualistic and never created a Social Network that could support Society.

Around 2000 the stock market started to vibrate and to go down. The same happened in politics. Many voters are now moving from party to party.

Who is controlling Society?

At this moment nobody is controlling Society. Society is taking its own course.

Who is controlling the Stock Market?

At this moment nobody is controlling the Stock Market. The Stock Market is taking its own course.

Not only the Stock Exchange but also the Political System and the Weather System are taking their own course.

Is there and end to this all?

I don’t think so.


We have entered the Downfall of the Kondratiev Cycle. During this Downfall the Old Institutions are destroyed and New Institutions take over the Power. We are in an “In Between State”. In this state everything is On the Move. Everything is Moving Up & Down, Left & Right. What many people don’t see that even the Center is Moving. The State and the Stock Exchange are not able to cope with the excessive amount of Movement.

What will happen at the End of the big Shake Up?

There are two possibilities. The first one is the return to an old center.  My guess is that we will move back to the State of the Renaissance.

The second possibility is “frightening” for many people. We will jump to an unknown state predicted by many Old Civilizations called the Fifth World or the Golden Age.

The Hopis call our time the “The Fourth Age of Man”. According to them the Earth has been wiped clean 3 times already. First by Fire, next by Ice, most recently by the great Flood approximately 11,000-12,000 years ago. We are now entering the last stage of the Fourth Age called “The great day of Purification“. This stage culminates either in total Rebirth or total Annihilation.

The Degree of Violence will be determined by the Degree of Inequity caused among the peoples of the world and in the Balance of Nature. In this crisis Rich and Poor will be forced to struggle as Equals in order to Survive. The beginning of the Fifth World will be heralded by the arrival of a being known as Pahana, or the lost “White Brother“.

If we believe the Prophecy of the Hopi and many other “Spiritual Movements (Gnostics, Sufi’s)” the only way that will save us from total annihilation is the Creation of Balance. We don’t have much time left. The Great day of Purification will happen at the End of 2012. At that time the “Lost White Brother” (The Center) will return.

Is it possible to Balance the Financial System?

 Yes, I think so.

The only thing we have to do is to Unite Shareholders, Customers and Workers and give them an Equal Share in a Company. They have to Share the Power, the Profit or Loss, the Spirit and the Soul. They have to become Enthousiastic about What is Happening (Spirit).

They have to take care of Nature and the Other (Soul). If we do this we will recreate the Social Power Network of the Rich on a Different Scale (Earth) with other Participants. If we Help the Other we don’t need a Pension!

I am sure You want to put Your Savings into a Shared Enterprise. I am also sure that You will Never Regain the Money you will invest in Shares at the Stock Exchange. The Era of the Stock Exchange is Gone for Ever.

About the Old Egyption Concept of Justice, Ma’at

Friday, July 4th, 2008

maat_goddessofjustice1Ma’at was one of the Egyptian Neteru (a Goddess). She represented the concept of Justice. Just like Lady Justice she carries a scale in her hands. Ma’at was also the keeper of the Afterworld.

The dead person’s heart was placed on a scale, balanced by the Feather of Ma’at. If the deceased had been found not to have followed the concept of Ma’at during his life (if he had lied or cheated or killed) his heart was devoured by a demon and he died the final death and was reincarnated. If the heart weighed the same as Ma’at, the deceased was allowed to go on to the eternal afterlife.

Ma’at was an important Neteru and important Neteru are bisexual. Ma’at was created by Amon (later named Ra, The Sun) and was one of the four bisexual primal forces in the Universe. Ma’at was the Breath of Life. Through Ma’at the Cycle of the Seasons and every other Cycle was moving around. Ma’at represented the Rythm of the Universe.

Later the bisexual Neteru were split into a male and a female part. Ma’at became female and her companion was represented by a Baboon. Later the Baboon changed into Thoth, The Scribe. Thoth (or Set) was the creator of language and writing. He was also a very powerfull Magician.

Behind the many transformations lies a very important story. It is the story of the Creation of Man. Man was a creation of a Neteru and his creation was a big mistake. His creation was not according to the Plan of Amon. The Plan of Amon was to keep Ma’at, Balance, Rythm and Order.

Man was created out of the secret fusion between one of the Neteru (Seth, Thoth, Enlil) and a “Chattering” Baboon. Three times the fusion failed and in the end Enlil decided to destroy his creations by the Great Flood. The Fusions between Ape and God was creating a gigantic cosmic Unbalance.

One of the Talking Baboons (Atrahasis, Noach) and all the (not-talking) Organisms were saved by the intervention of one of the other male Neteru (Enki, The Wise, The Water God). The Words of the Organisms (Seeds, DNA?) were put into a boat (The Ark). To keep the overpopulation of Humans in balance a System of Cycles of Creation and Destruction was created.

On the level of the Soul Man is a bisexual being. The Soul is incarnated in a Male and a Female body until he is able to leave the Cycle. He is able to leave the Cycle when his heart weights the same as the Feather of Ma’at. All he has to do is to live a life of Justice. He has to act out of the Heart.

A Human is capable of Injustice because he carries the “genes” of one of the male Neteru who stood up against Amon. If his heart is Heavy Like a Stone he is taken over by the Demon and has to return to the Material World to try again and again until he has learned his lesson (Reincarnation). The Demon has many tricks to keep the Soul into the material plane. His most important trick is Language.

Ancient Egyptian law dates from 3000 BC. It was based on the concept of Ma’at, rhetorical speech, social equality and impartiality. Around the 2200 BC the first law code based on casuistic statements (“if… then…”) was developed in Persia. Around 1760 BC, King Hammurabi further developed Babylonian law by codifying and inscribing it in stone.

About 5000 years later many people believe the Ancient people were barbaric. Objective Law and its Institutions are one of the beautifull inventions of Western Culture. Western Culture was a product of the old Greek Civilizations. The Romans perfected the System of Law.

Almost nobody knows that the old Creek Scientists copied all their knowlegde out of Egypt. The Greeks named the concept of Ma’at, Logos. The early Christians adopted this concept as you can see in the first line of the Gospel of John (“In the beginning was the Logos ,and the Logos was with God”). In the Gnostic Tradition of Christianity Ma’at was called Sophia (Wisdom).

The effect of the Gene of the deficient Neter later called the Devil has increased in Time. The split of the Male and the Female part resulted in a Male Dominance in every area part of Society. The Afterworld changed into an Underworld. The Power of the Heart has diminished.

The concept of Ma’at has lost his place. Ma’at has been blinded and her Feather has changed into a Sword. The amount of Rules has increased tremendously. The Chattering Baboon has produced many Words of Justice. The Talking Baboon has taken over the Power. His Words have finally killed Amon. Ma’at is not needed anymore. The Baboons are able to Stear the Stars themselves.

Nobody knows that we are still silently governed by Ma’at. We have to move to the Dark Cycle to restore the Golden Age of the Gods. In the Golden Age the Light of Amon (The Sun) will Shine Again.

Truth, Integrity, Honesty, Goodness and Balance brings one closer to the spiritual essence that is all pervasive in the Universe. There was nothing more sacred or important to the practitioner of the Ancient Egyptian Religion. The cosmic order that is Ma’at connects everything in the ageless dance of beauty and motion giving meaning to existence on all levels.