Posts Tagged ‘emotions’

Why Music gives Soul to the Universe and Wings to the Mind

Thursday, October 18th, 2007

I have been a lover of Music since I was born. It was a big surprise to my parents when I wanted to buy gramophone records of Opera’s when I was thirteen. My parents where not educated in music but they loved it. Everybody in my family was singing, most of them in a choir.

I was given a beautiful soprano voice when I was a young boy. It was so special that I was more or less forced to sing in theatres. I was a very shy person and the first time I was on stage I almost fainted. Later my voiced changed into a Counter Tenor.

Later, when I was about 35, Singing took me like a hurricane. I started to take singing lessons and joint many choirs. I even created my own octet. I never learnt to read notes but this was not a problem. My memory for music works perfect.

Plato framed the essence of Music in this sentence: “Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, a charm to sadness, gaiety and life to everything. It is the essence of order, and leads to all that is good, just, and beautiful, of which it is the invisible, but nevertheless dazzling, passionate and eternal form“.

In the old mystery schools the use of sounds were considered a very sacred science. They knew that the right sequence of sounds could change behaviour patterns and accelerate the healing process. The right toning could perform miracles.

Sound is processed by the cochlea. The word Cochlea comes from kokhlias “snail, screw and kokhlos “spiral shell“. People who have read a few of my blogs will understand that the “spiral of the ear” transforms sound into a very special spiral pattern.

This pattern travels first trough the limbic system. It is here that emotional and physical reactions are produced. The pattern than moves to the auditory cortex of the brain where we become conscious of the sound and can recognize what we are hearing.

The limbic system connects the higher and lower functions of our brains, it is called both the “Emotional Center” and the “Conscious System” of the brain. If we, as Humans, had to consider one part of our brains to be the core of our personal consciousness, it would be the Limbic System and, especially, the interaction between the limbic system and the cortex.If anything resembles the actions of a ‘soul’ in the Human brain machine, it is the interaction between the Cortex and the Limbic system.

So Music (Tones) are a direct connection between the Outside World and our Consciousness, The Emotions.

If you read this blog you will understand that Sound makes a connection to another physical space, Our Twin or Mirror Space (“Dark Matter or Mirror Matter“).  .

Out if this space we are fed by the Force of Life (Qi, Prana). With Sound we are able to connect to every Whole by something called “quantum superposition”. It is a term used in Quantum Mechanics and it defines a state of “Harmony”, “Coupling” or “Entrainment” . If we produce the right sound waves we are able to “entrain” the Body to a Whole (A higher level in the Universe) that is able to heal the body (Qi).

If you read the last blog You will also discover that not only our Ears but our whole body through the connective tissues of our body (skin, bones) is able to resonate.

When people are producing sounds in a group they start to resonate and become a whole. An example is a soccer-match. When the sounds and the movements of the body (the Wave) become entangled the people in the Stadion become a Whole.

Not only the people but also the Architectual Structure of the Stadion plays a very important role. That is why some of the new developed Stadions and Concert Halls are not able to generate the “Right Atmosphere”. They are not able to give the right Feed-Back between Limbic system and the Cortex.

The same applies to Offices. When people are working they need to “hear” the “Humm” of the Others. When the “Humm” is a positive sound they start to feel good and productivity rises. They are connected to the Whole of the Company they are working for. When the “Humm” is a negative sound productivity goes down. When this happens they become sick. The “Acoustical” Structure of a Building is able to transform a positive “Humm” into a negative “Humm” (The Sick Building Syndrome).

If you want to know more I advice you to read the beautifull books of Christopher Alexander about Architecture.

About InterPersonal Theory

Saturday, September 22nd, 2007


World Views are Perspectives on the Inner and Outer World. “Every man has his own Universe” so there are so many Perspectives as there are (and were) Humans. To communicate we have to decrease the Amounts of Perspectives.

Will McWhinney has found a model that covers most of the perspectives of the Human Being. It contains Four Perspectives circulating around a Center. His model is Self-Referencial (A Fractal) which means that the Model can be Applied on its Self.

It can be expanded to the Infinite Perspectives of all the Humans on Earth by detecting the Right Enfolding of the Fractal Pattern.

When I was working with Will McWhinney on his theory of World-Views I found many theories that could be mapped to his Theory of Change. The World Views proved to be a generic explanation of almost everything. This was a big surprise.

One of the sciences that interested me the most was Psychology. I studied Philosophy, Psychology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics and kept my knowledge of these fields always Up-To-Date.

My main problem with Psychology was the conceptual  mess it was in. I read book after book and all the time new ideas came up. It was fascinating but also frustrating.

Suddenly I found a book that helped me to see everything from one Perspective. The book contained a Model and I was able to Map the model to the World Views with ease.

The book I found was Horowitz, L. M. (2004). Interpersonal foundations of psychopathology. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Interpersonal theory looks at the world from the perspective of Relationships.

According to attachment theorists, the infant’s attachment system keeps the child close and connected to the adult, thereby increasing the child’s chances of surviving infancy. As children come to feel sufficiently secure in their attachment to the caretaker, they separate from the caretaker and explore the environment, a first step toward autonomy.

When a person initiates an interaction with another person, the other assumes that the behavior is motivated (purposeful). When an important goal is satisfied, the person experiences a positive emotion; when it is frustrated, the person experiences a negative emotion like sadness or anger.

Internal motivations can be conflicting. This can result in serious mental disorders. The interpretation of the motivation of the other is often ambiguous leading to misunderstanding and even conflict. To resolve these potential conflicts an open dialogue is necessary where people make their motives clear to others (and themselves).

Motivational constructs (desire, motive and personal striving) can be conceptualized in two very broad, abstract categories, namely, Communion and Agency.

A Communal motive is a motive for a connection with one or more others; it is a motive to participate in a larger union with other people. A communional motive can range from Indifferent (no connection) to Love (a complete connection).

An Agentic motive, on the other hand, emphasizes the self as a distinct unit; it focuses on the person’s own individual influence, control, or mastery over the self, other people, and the environment. An agentic motive can range from Dominating to Submitting.

Interpersonal behavior can be described with the so-called Interpersonal Circumplex (a Cycle). This is a widely tested model that predicts the reaction of a person to a Motive (a combination of agency and communion) of the other.

The motivational behavior of a person is more or less determined in his youth. People that are extreme in the connection/agency-matrix (e.g. indifferent to the other, too dependent, very dominant or submissive) are unable to work in a collaborative manner. They are Psychopathic.

Interpersonal Theory is very helpful to understand relationships.


The Interpersonal Circumplex or Interpersonal Cycle suggests that there are Infinite Types of Relationships. Some of them are named (Friendly, Dominant) most of them are not named.

When two persons are reacting according to the complementary expected behavior of the Other they feel “Related“. A highly dominant partner, a Master, needs a highly submissive partner, a Slave,  and vice versa.

By using the World Views Interpersonal Theory can be easily mapped to other Psychological Subjects like Learning. When we use the method of Mapping it can also be transformed to Art, History, Ecology, Mathematics and Physics.

To use the Four World Views (Unity, Sensory, Social and Mythic) we have to Map the Matrix of Horowitz to the Matrix of McWhinney .

Sensory people (Experts) are disconnected from their Self (Ego-istic). They are focused on the Senses (Facts).  An addiction to the Senses is called Schizophrenic.

Mythic (Artist)  is a Union with the Self. Mythic people are highly Imaginative and Creative. An addiction to the imagination is called Histrionic.

Social is a Union with Others. Social people are highly Emotional and influenced by the Other (Status). An addiction to the emotions is called Dependent.

A Unity (Master) is disconnected from the Self. Unity people want to control the Future. They are planning and expecting. An addiction to Control is called Paranoid.

Consciousness, the Observer,  the Center of the Cycle, is a Balance between Communion and Agency. People that are Constantly Out of Balance are called Neurotic.

What is Happening?

Paths of Change explains why Life is a Paradox.  It is a Paradox because the World Views are completely independent. They are valid ways of Looking At the World.

Normal” people combine Two or more Worldviews and are able to Switch from one View to the Other but they always look with one View at the Time.

Normal” people are mentally ill but we don’t see their illness because they are Switching all the time.

The Switch is called a Relation in Interpersonal Theory.  It connects two parts that are disconnect and will always be disconnect.

Is there a Structure behind this Structure?

Behind the Four WorldViews lies a much simpler structure. This structure contains just Two Views, the View of Control and the View of Desire.

Control is the proces of Compression. Control makes thing simple and essential. It brings everything back to the Void, the state of Infinite Potential.

Desire is the process of Expansion. Expansion makes things more complex. It generates an infinite amount of new combinations. It moves away from the Infinite Potential.

Control and Desire are Complementary Powers. When they join they are annihilated. If this happens They combine and become the Void again.

Control and Desire are constantly moving around the Void to A-Void that they move back to the state of the No-Thing, that is Every Thing.

The Four Views are nothing but Four Combinations of the Two that are Avoiding the Void which is the Center, the Connector, the Relation, the Switch, between Every Thing.


A website about Interpersonal Theory

About the Interpersonal Circumplex

About Learning and Interpersonal Theory

About WorldViews

About the Void and The Logic of Creation

About Wordviews and the History of Literature

About WorldViews and the Cycle of History

About Mapping

Explaining the Placebo Effect by Counting Stories

Tuesday, August 14th, 2007

The unconscious is a new territory for mathematicians and physicists. Jung one of the inventors of the term unconsciousness was convinced mathematics was the key to understand the Unknown.


At the end of his life he asked one of his female pupils Marie-Louise Von Franz to look for the link between mathematics and the unconsciousness.


She wrote the book “Number and Time”. Later I found an article of the mathematician and physicist William A Tiller about the same issue. It is called “Human Psychophysiology, Macroscopic Information Entanglement and the Placebo Effect”. In the article he explains the so called placebo-effect.

The placebo-effect is a funny thing. A pharmacist is a person who wants to treat a disease with a chemical (mostly toxic) substance (a pill). When something that is not toxic (a placebo) heals the same disease he is sad.

He is sad because he is not able to make a profit and he is sad because he has spent a lot of time doing research for nothing. When the placebo-effect occurs people imagine that they are cured and their imagination cures them.

A citation: “In 1999, Enserink wrote a short but very interesting article concerning how greatly the magnitude of the placebo effect in double-blind pharmacological studies had grown in the previous 15 years. He pointed out that “when companies started testing drugs for obsessive-compulsive disorder back in the mid-1980’s, the placebo responserate was almost zero. As time went on, this response rate began to creep upward, up to a point where one could reasonably conclude that some clinical trials failed because of high placebo response rates. A very recent meta-analysis of 19 antidepressant drug trials revealed that the “placebo effect” on average accounted for 75% of the effect of real drugs”.

What Tiller is saying is that a “depression” was cured by believing it would be cured. This happened when people started to believe there was something (a pill) that could cure them.

Again a citation: “The information bandwidth (in bits per second) of the human unconscious is about 1 million times that of the conscious”. The so called unconscious is capable of finding patterns and its capacity to do this is enormous. The unconscious is more conscious than the conscious. Our “problem” is that our conscious is not able to “understand” the other conscious that is part of us. It uses another “language”.

Another citation: “If one counts the entire duplex space as a 4-space, then the entire multidimensional representation is a 7-space. If instead, we count the duplex space as a unique member of the general 8-space, then our reference frame is eleven-dimensional”.

What Tiller is explaining in his language (mathematics) is that besides our own space there exists an unseen space. It is a space we cannot SEE WITH OUR EYES because the capacity to see patterns with our eyes is incapable of seeing the other world. We use the “third eye” to have a look.

In this space you are able to travel with speed >C (the speed of Light). Perhaps you are getting confused now. You know this is impossible. You have learned this at school.

The mathematical reason behind this statement is that it is “impossible” to take the square root of a negative number.

If you define the square-root of the negative number -1 as the letter “i” (imaginary) your problem is gone. The IMAGINARY, “unseen” world, can be combined with the REAL world we SEE. 2 +4i is an example of a combined number.

Another mathematical problem is “division by zero”. You know again this is impossible. You have learned this also at school. This problem is created when you are moving with the speed of light.

The problem can be avoided if you use another concept of space. Division by zero is called a hole and you just navigate trough space avoiding THE HOLE.

Current physics assumes the space we live in consists of billons of billons of holes.

A funny thing is that 5000 years ago Indian science told the same story. They called the holes the bindu’s. The bindu’s where the holes to another world and out of this world something was transported called PRANA. PRANA is called QI (CHI) in China. QI means the force of life.

You have to believe that many (very expensive) experiments have shown that we are living in a very different space you have learned at school. Perhaps your teacher knew he was he was telling the wrong story. He learned when he was learning to become a teacher that young children are unable to understand the new concept of space.

Funny enough young children experience this space when they are sleeping or day-dreaming. When they are at school they believe the teacher and the teacher is believing his teacher and ….

What the experiments also show is something called ENTANGLEMENT. When something is created out of a WHOLE the parts of the whole stay CONNECTED and the connection travels with a speed >C (the speed of Light).

To explain entanglement physicists have accepted there are MANY UNIVERSES and every time a (UN?)CONSCIOUSNESS OBSERVES (becomes AWARE) a new PARALEL UNIVERSE is created.

In our REALITY we SEE one of the possible universes. In our IMAGINARY state we are able to move to all the others. We are even able to travel time because physicists accept the reality that the PAST and THE FUTURE are created in the NOW. They change with every act of consciousness.

Tiller explains that the 4-dimensional unseen space is created by the EMOTIONS.

Now I want to get back to the book “Time and Number”.

A huge part of the book is about China. Jung studied the I TJING with William Reich and was fascinated by the CYCLE (a rotating CIRCLE) of Lo CHI. Remember CHI means “Force of Life”.

The Lo Chi cycle (5000 years old) is described by a magic 3×3 square where all the numbers add up to 15. It has a 5 in the centre.

The magic Lo Chi magic square and related magic squares play an important role in modern physics. They are related to symmetry and symmetry is related to HARMONY and FIELDS.

Funny. The LO-CHI-cycle is exactly the cycle that is explaining the same thing Tiller is explaining.

The book NUMBER and TIME contains a very interesting observation about story-TELLING. When you count (telling = counting) the major persons in an “old” story (myth, fairy tale) and combine the counting with the flow of the story the Lo CHI CYCLE shows itself.

For some reason story-TELLERS were TELLING the same story all over again and again.

They wanted to make sure the concept of the Cycle was handed over and over and over again generation after generation.

The cycle explains one thing Tiller is proving “Your Imagination is the Creator of Your own Reality”.

The most interesting insight I got is that what Jung calls our unconsciousness is more aware than our consciousness. The Unknown is connected to our Emotions. So if you want to create trust them. Trust your gut-feeling and your imagination because they are doing “IT”. You are the Creator of every Situation and Person you encounter in Your Life. They are the Mirror of Your Self.