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Tuesday, July 14th, 2009

Are you looking to lose weight to have more energy and feel more comfortable in your body? This article includes seven non-drastic and practical weight loss tips just for women.

woman exercising with hand weights



While dieting sometimes gets a bad rap, healthy weight loss for many people is a reasonable goal. Nearly 40% of Americans are obese and even more may be overweight, with a less-than-optimal fat to muscle ratio. Getting rid of excess weight can help reduce fatigue, increase energy, reduce disease risk, and improve self-confidence.

It’s important when trying to lose weight that women don’t trigger eating disorders, upset hormone balance, reduce muscle mass, cause nutrient deficiencies, or increase stress. So, this article is devoted to non-drastic and practical weight loss tips just for women.

As always, please consult your healthcare provider to help determine if weight loss is appropriate for you, and what is the best diet or method for losing weight. Check the latest plant based medicine uses today.

Weight Loss Tips for Women

1. Cut back on sugar

Cutting back on sugar can help promote weight loss and increase overall health. Added sugars in foods such as in cookies and sweets promotes fat storage and disturbs hunger signals. This is because people who regularly consume added sugars typically eat more overall because sugar intake lowers leptin production. Lower leptin levels lead to increased hunger and decreased satiety.

Foods with high sugar content also tend to be high-calorie foods, like desserts and sugar-sweetened beverages like sodas. Consuming these high-calorie foods can cause you to overconsume in relation to the amount of energy you expend.

Sugar is an addictive substance that prompts cravings for more sugar. Because it increases hunger, food cravings, and fat storage, sugar can cause weight gain. Reducing or eliminating your sugar intake will help you lose weight.

One practical way to cut back on sugar is to limit any treats to once a day. Or, try going cold turkey and eliminating any added sugars for a period of time. Then, monitor your weight and see if these changes help you reach your goals over time.