Archive for the ‘History’ Category

About the Game of Chess

Friday, October 12th, 2007

radha-krishna_chessI want to tell you something about Games. What I want to show is that behind many Games there is a simple structure.

If we understand this structure we are more aware of “What the game is telling You” or “What Game is playing ME” or “How can I leave the Game and create my Own Game“.

Chess originated in ancient India and was known as Chatur-Anga – Meaning 4 bodied, as it was played by 4 players. The Sanskrit name Chaturanga was also used to describe the Indian army of Vedic times in which a platoon had four parts: one elephant, one chariot, three soldiers on horseback, and five foot-soldiers. The board was known as the ‘ashtapada’ (eight-square).

The ancient Game of Chess represented a very old structure, the Four with the Fifth (The Playing Board) in the Middle.

The Game was a Scenario Game. The Players could explore the Fixed Structure of the Universe (The Cycle) implemented in the Playing Board using the Roles (The Pawns) that are available in Our Reality that is controlled by the Matrix.  

 Every ancient game has a “mystical meaning“. It was not only used to play but also to learn about “the Game of Life”.

Every “old game” can be mapped to a “Standard-Model”.

The most comprehensive model is the TAROT. The Tarot is the basic framework for all the old Card Games.

It contains 3 levels where every level is an enfolding of a higher level. The Four Forces with the Five (Consciousness) in the Center are expanded into a level of 22 (Higher Arcana) and a lower level of 56 cards (Lower Arcana).

The structure of the Tarot, Chess, the TORAh, the I TJING can also be mapped to modern physics.

Will McWhinney used the Four World Views (with the Fifth in the Center) to define Game Levels. The lowest level he defined was the Analytical Game. It is a combination of Unity (Models, Rules) and Sensory (Reality). This game is about Mapping A Model into Reality or Testing a Model with Reality.

In the Mystical explanation this is the Fight (or Tension or Conflict) between Control (Model) and Desire (Reality, What we See with our Eyes).

The Analytical Game is the game of Western Civilization. It can be been seen on every level. In Society it is the fight between the State (Control, Laws) and Companies and Citizens who want to exceed the Limits of the Law. The Analytical Game is also the Game of Competition and War (Winner takes all).

If you are Played By this Game you are Out of Control. You are driven by your Ego (Desire) and/or by the Fear to lose Control.

If You are Different there are two other forces called Spirit (Mythic, I AM, Imagination) and/or Soul (Social, YOU ARE, Empathy) that are playing a Role in the Game of Your Life.

You are playing the Game of the Market (Desire/Impuls vs Soul/Emotion), the Game of Politics (Soul/Emotion vs Control) or the Game of Innovation (Spirit/Imagination vs Action/Desire).

The highest Game, The Infinite Game, is the Game of Spirit AND Soul. It is the Game to Keep on Playing by Creating New Games.

At this level You are Co-Creating with a Spirit on a higher Level (I AM WHAT I AM). It is a Game without Words and Logic. It is the Game of the Gnōsis (Knowing and Being).

When the game of Chess was transformed into a game of Two Players it changed into an Analytical Game. The aspect of Cooperation (Soul, Green) and Creation (Spirit, Yellow) were removed. The Colors Red, Blue, Yellow and Green turned into Black and White.

I know many of you think this an interesting way to explain something but Imagine (Spirit) that this was done “On Purpose” (Control).

Imagine there is a Force (Ahriman, the Fear to Lose Control, Mind, Thinking, Air, Wind) that is cooperating with the force of Desire (Lucifer, Fire) to take over.

rainbowIt does not want his Expectations of the Future to Fail. The Fear to Lose Control changed the many Games Levels into one level of Play.

It changed the Spherical Field of the Multicolor Rainbow of Existence into a 2-dimensional Black and White World of Crossing Lines, the Plane of Cause and Effect.

It even made it very difficult for people who “Feel, Care and Love (Nurses, Priests)” and/or “See the Light (Prophets, Artists)” to make a living. Imagine You are equipped with one or even two of the faculties this Force is trying to disturb.

What can you do?

I am very interested in History. All my life I have spent a lot of time to find out “what happened”. One of my searches brought me to the level of Religion.

Religion is the game of Spirit AND Soul. It is about the Experience of Beauty and the Whole. It can be changed into an Analytical Game by enforcing Control, Telling people How to Believe.

magiA part of the History of Christianity can be traced back to the Cult of Mithras  and earlier the teachings of Zoroaster . The three Magi who came to see Jezus where of the faith of Zoroaster.

Founded in Persia Zoroastrianism is the world’s oldest religion (3500 B.C). Parsis, most of whom have made Mumbai their home, are the followers of this religion. Parsis can also be found in Karachi, Pakistan, and Shiraj, in Iran. Its founder, Zoroaster, was born in Mazar-I-Sharif in Afghanistan!

To understand more about Zoroaster I ordered a book called The Teaching of Zoroaster and the Philosophy of the Parsi Religion by S.A. Kapadia. This small book is one of the most beautifull religious books I ever read. The book is about Love. It is about the Eternal Love of Man and Wife, The love for Childeren, The love for the Sick and the Poor, the Love of Mankind and The Love of Nature.

In this book the Teachings of Zoroaster are translated into 3 simple statements:

Good Thoughts, Good Words and Good Deeds.

About Pan and Anarchy

Thursday, September 20th, 2007

panIn 2002 the book Panarchy: Understanding Transformations in Human and Natural Systems, (Gunderson, L.H and Holling, C.S (eds)) was published. To my knowledge this is one of the most important books of our time.

Panarchy is the first theory that is able to explain the behavior of complex ecosystems. It is an integration of many former theories in economics, biology, ecology, sociology, mathematics, psychology and other sciences.

Have a look at RA to learn more about Panarchy. You will be surprised by the amount of interesting articles and insights.

In this blog I will use long citations: “The world has not collapsed because natural ecological systems have the resilience to experience wide change and still maintain the integrity of their functions.

The world also has not collapsed because of human behavior and creativity. People do learn, however spasmodically. Change and extreme transformations have been part of humanity’s evolutionary history. People’s adaptive capabilities, have made it possible not only to persist passively, but to create and innovate when limits are reached.

The controls determined by each set of biotic structuring processes within terrestrial ecosystems are remarkably robust and the behaviors resulting are remarkably resilient. That robustness comes from functional diversity and spatial heterogeneity in the species and physical variables that mediate the key processes that structure and organize patterns in ecosystems and landscapes.

The stability domains that define the type of system (e.g. forest, savanna, grassland, or shrub steppe) are so large that external disturbances have to be extreme and/or persistent before the system flips irreversibly into another state. Except under extreme climatic conditions, Mother Nature is not basically in a state of delicate balance. If She were, the world would indeed have collapsed long ago“.

panarchy model

The books starts with a description of the five metaphors or world-views that are used to look at Nature. These metaphors are the same metaphors Bhaktin uses to describe the proces of the evolving narratives in human culture.

The World-Views are connected to Mathematical Models that are commonly used in Science to explain an Ecology. The authors show that every model has its consequences. The most beautifull thing they show is that these models are not wrong. They are needed to keep the Cycle of the Ecology running.

panarchy levels

What they also show is that a Panarchy-cycle uses a memory when the Ecology is collapsing. Somewhere a small area is preserved. It contains the “seeds” of the new Cycle. We have to look back when we want to move foreward. We also have to look back to learn feom our mistakes. “People do learn, however spasmodically”. Learning is not copying. We have “to create and innovate when limits are reached”.

Somewhere in History the Seeds of the New Cycle are available. A beautifull example is the Sacred Groove. It is a place where very old trees are preserved by the local community. They need the trees to aquire medicine to cure deseases or snake bites.

Because the new Cycle has to be based on Harmony I feel you have to have a look at China. China is not only the Economy Power that is able to destroy the World when it moves on the way it moves. It is also the Culture where Harmony was the basic Concept. When you read my blogs you will see that I use many Chinese Concepts to explain.

The theory is a Self-Referencial (“Fractal“) theory and uses the Moebius Ring as the central concept. You understand why I was flabbergasted when I found Panarchy on the Internet.

The last thing that made me very enthousiastic is the name Panarchy. It is based on the name of the Old Greek God of Joy and Nature, Pan.

Pan was “Goat-legged, enthusiastic, a lover of ectacy, dancing among the stars, weaving the harmony of the Cosmos into playfull song” (The Orphic Hymns). The myth was told in Early Creece that he had left the Earth. It is of a high urgency that we ask Pan to come back. We can only save Mother Nature when we become enthusiastic again to weave Harmony all over the World.

Pan is also the God of Dance and Rythm:

Complex natural systems work in rhythms – with a front-loop phase of slow, incremental growth and accumulation, and a back-loop stage of rapid reorganisation leading to renewal, to, collapse. The front-loop phase is more predictable with higher degrees of certainty.

In both the natural and social worlds, it maximises production and accumulation. The consequence of this is an accumulation and concentration of wealth, but also emergence of greater vulnerability, due to the increasing number of interconnections that link that wealth, and those that bear it, in efforts to sustain it.

Little time and few resources are available for alternatives that explore different visions or opportunities. Emergence and novelty is inhibited. This growing connectedness leads to increasing rigidity in its goal to retain control, and the system becomes ever more tightly bound together. This reduces resilience and the capacity of the system to absorb change, thus increasing the threat of abrupt change.

We can recognise the needs for change but become politically stifled in our capacity to act effectively. Wealth and broadening wealth accumulated to lead to our present vulnerability on a world stage.

We are entering the back loop of re-organisation that entails the collapse of accumulated connections, the release of bound up knowledge and capital. But it also opens a creative potential and the opportunity for ‘creative destruction“.

The World and Our Society is now in the non-predictable back-loop stage of rapid reorganisation, creative destruction, collaps and renewal. It will soon jump back to an early stage where the Seeds of the New Cycle of Creation are Stored.

Because the Long Term Cycle of Earth is now Collapsing we have to look back for a long time to find the Seeds. The most impressive collaps of our World happened when the Great Flood appeared at 3117 BC.

Strangely enough 3117 BC is the start of the Mayan Calendar and the Indian Kali Yuga (“The Dark Age“).  Before that time the Humans lived in the Green Sahara also called Paradise. At that time Pan, the God of Nature,  was still there.

Do we have to move back to Paradise to Start All over Again?


About Panarchy

About the Great Flood

About Social Cohesion

About World View

About Chinese Concepts

About the Fractal Universe

About the Green Sahara and Paradise

About the Invisible Fascist State

Wednesday, August 29th, 2007

mussertMy father was born in 1909. He lived in a small village in the centre of the Netherlands.

This centre is called the Veluwe (Vale Ouwe, The Sallow Old man).

The Veluwe was the place of shifting sand and hei. At that time the people that lived there were poor. They worked as shepherds and wageworkers.

The people of the Veluwe were very religious. Many of them never attended school.

They had to believe what the Church was telling him.

Close to my fathers hometown was a hill called the Paasberg. It was the place where the Dutch Fascist Socialistic Movement (NSB) got together. Many poor people joined the movement.

They believed the Leader, Mussert, would create a better world. At the end of the war the filthy traitors of the NSB were put into concentration-camps and heavily punished by the angry survivors of the Second World War.

At the Paasberg they were told that the Jews were the cause of all the trouble in the World. The poor people did not hate the Jews. They believed the Leader just like they believed their Ministers.

They never met a real Jew. Jews were not living in a poor area like the Veluwe. They lived in the big cities far away.

The Leader told them terrible stories about what the Jews were doing. They were cheating poor people. The Jews were also the people who killed Jesus. The last argumentation was sufficient for them.

joodBehind the scene the Jews were also controlling the World. They were the prototype of the Cigar Smoking Capitalists. The NSB was using Socialist Language to convince the poor workers in the big cities.

The poor people of the Veluwe never visited the big cities. Their only means of transportation was by foot. They were also not allowed to visit the big cities. In big cities like Amsterdam the Devil was in control. All of them feared the Devil.

Every Sunday the Minister preached about hell and told them that heaven was a place almost nobody could reach.

They were born as sinners and almost every thing they were doing was interpreted as a sin. They lived a life of fear.

Everywhere in the Dark Centre of the Veluwe the Devil and his companions were hiding. Everybody knew where a Witch was secretly living and how the White Ladies of the Sunken Castle of the Solsche Gat appeared at Full Moon.

The Ministers explained them that they always had to obey Government even if the Government was taken over by the Germans. Government was always created by God and they had to obey Him.

Fascist movements always use poor innocent people to do the dirty work. They promise the Holy Land and use an External Enemy to explain why the world is not the way it is.

russian revolutionThey use religion, myth, art, culture and history as a tool. The outside enemy is destroying the old values or is responsible for the terrible state you are in.

He is creating decadent filthy sinful art or is responsible for the defeat of the last battle between the Good and the Bad.

Fascists always find a historic event where they (the Bad Ones) have taken over power.

They use this story to motivate the masses to take revenge.

The communication engine uses all of these tools to tell the message over and over again. The poor victims are programmed and programming is easy.

To create an unambiguous message the independent communication systems are slowly destroyed.

They are decadent or promoting the Bad Ones.

mussoliniThe Fascist system wants to control the schooling system. The most innocent victims are the children. They are trained to become the new elite that will save the Homeland.

The most important skill is to learn to fight the battle and to obey the leaders. Fascists love to teach the children to play with weapons.

Behind the scene the real leaders increase their wealth and more important their power.

Power is not a mean to accomplish something. They are addicted to Power and nothing more.

Now 50 years later all the Fascist Systems are replaced by a democracy and almost everybody believes all the precautionary measures are taken to prevent the comeback of Fascism.

My feeling is that almost nobody is aware of the fact that we are now living in a new type of Fascist State. I call it the Invisible Fascist State.

My argumentation is simple.

The Invisible Fascist State is generating even more power to the people “”behind the scene” than the old Fascist State was doing.

The people “behind the scene” have not changed. Their children, relatives and friends have taken over control. They know everything that is happening but they will never tell the real story.

They are still specialists in cover ups and are creating new ghost stories. All of them are trained in Machiavelli and the other geniuses who perfected the “Art to Stay in Power”.

Let’s see What is Happening.

The amount of innocent not educated people is increasing. The majority is not poor but being poor is not the issue. The only thing the people “behind the scene” don’t want is opposition and the opposition is almost gone.

Many people don’t vote and when they vote nothing changes the System. Even the Parliament is unable to change the System.

osama_bin_ladenThe Media are delivering the message and the independent Media are also almost gone. The Media are commercial and to make money they have to tell the message of the advertisers.

The advertisers are selling the message of Desire and Control. Desire and Control are the two powers Fascists always use to manipulate the Masses.

The Media also promote the new Enemy. Of course all of them are objective but objectivity is not the issue.

Passivity is the goal. A huge majority is watching television, consuming and grumbling. Grumbling is very helpful to mobilize the masses when the masses are needed to keep the System running.

The new Enemy is the Islam and Islam is also the faith of the Terrorists. To destroy the Enemy we have to increase Control. The Evil Arab Terrorist looks a lot like the Jewish Enemies 57 years, a complete Kondratiev Cycle (!!), ago.

To increase Control we have to change the System of Fundamental Laws of Human Rights. Fascists don’t like Human Rights.

Some people are even discussing the issue of one man one vote because the Enemy is increasing in numbers. They tell the people we are on a colliding course and they (the Islamic enemies) soon will take over control. They will create an Islamic State for sure.

Some people in parliament already want to ban the Koran. This increases the grumbling at “the other side”. Fascists always create a situation were two groups of innocent people start to fight.

This is helpful. It increases the tension, the grumbling and the fear. Fascists like to play with fear.

The educational system is producing more and more innocent young people. They want to play fighting games and are drinking more and more alcohol.

Teaching young people to fight is a fascist aim. Alcohol stimulates desire and increases passivity. It also affects the emotions.

Emotions are the real Enemy of the Fascists. Emotions generate Compassion and Compassion is something the Fascists are really afraid of.

The knowledge of young people about almost everything that is necessary to understand what is happening is diminishing with speed.

They have to learn to push buttons because to use the System the only thing you really need to know is to push the right button.

At school the current generation is Copying and Pasting texts they don’t understand. Nobody really cares. The entrance to high level education is lowered and the requirements to obtain a diploma are also lowered. The System is working perfectly.

Are the people behind the scene coordinating everything?

Is there a worldwide conspiracy?

I don’t think so.

The System has perfected itself.

Guantanamo-Bay-prisonersWhat many people don’t realize is that at a certain stage, called Emergence, Systems change into a Self-Reproducing Entity.

Humberto Maturana & Francisco Varela (Autopoiesis), Niklas Luhmann (Social Systems), Richard Kaufmann (The Origins of Order), Heinz Von Foerster (Second Order Cybernetics) and many others have proven this.

The System becomes Conscious and Takes over the Power. People don’t want to believe this because it is really a frightening thought. We want to be in control of everything. Please believe this is impossible. It is a fantasy. Being in control of everything is really the cause of the state we are in.

Jung calls the Invisible System the Collective Unconsciousness. The Invisible Fascists State is a Self-Reproducing Entity and we are unable to beat an invisible Entity. It has turned into a very powerful Ghost. The Ghost penetrates the dream state and generates night mares.

Long before the Fascist took over in Germany many sensitive people dreamed about the concentration camps and the other brutal acts of the Nazi’s. At that time nobody believed the unconsciousness is an Early Warning System. It warns us about the Future. Today we are in the same situation. The Emotional System is highly undervalued.

The Ghost takes his power out of Desire and Control and strangely enough the old religions in Persia called this Ghost the Devil. The Devil has taken over the Power.

The Ministers warned the poor people of the Veluwe of the Power of the Devil. The Devil was tempting them to sin. Don’t you feel this is just what the System is doing just now?

Self-reproducing Systems need the Outside World to take in the necessary Food to replace their components. If the Food is not available the System will eventually die. The Invisible Fascist State needs resources.

bushIt needs a lot of Energy and other Material Components to replace the old parts. The System has eaten almost all the food that is available.

If this happens it will experience signals. The Early Warning System of the Emotions will penetrate the dream state. We are ignoring these signals. We believe the System will take care of us.

In the next stage it will become ill. The System is already ill and we believe the System will cure itself. If the illness is not cured it will die. We believe the System will never die. Eventually it will find a cure for every disease. Do you believe that also?

If we want to change the Invisible System the only thing we can do is to Resist the Temptation. Don’t agree with too much Control and don’t give in to too much Desire.

If you are a Mythic, an Artist, you can do much more.

You have to produce a completely new type of Art, the Art of Compassion. You have to act out of the Heart.

HeartChakraThe Fascists used the Symbol of the Heart Chakra, the Seal of Solomon, the Star of David as the Symbol of Evil.

The new type of Art has to move the Collective out of the State of Fear and Apathy.

It has to generate a new Spirit and Soul.

You have to create new types of Education where the people learn simple logical reasoning based on widely available facts.

The data is available on the Internet. This will generate the necessary Awareness.

You have to build new games where cooperation is trained.

You have to create new types of Myths, Movies, Software, News Papers, Music, Buildings, Food, Cloth and Businesses.

To realize your concepts you have learn to cooperate with a new type of Expert, the Consumer.

You also have to learn to work together with all the Cultures in the World to find a new shared foundation.

You can also create the Art the System needs. The old Fascists used the Arts with Intelligence. Perhaps this will bring you wealh and recognition. Perhaps you will be invited to be part of the people behind the scene.

When you are really a Mythic you are able to reflect. When you reflect you will feel you have to leave the System. You have no choice.


Hahahaha Dadadada: About Childisch behavior and Decadence

Money Makes The World go Round

Why Psychiatrist are Unable to Cure their own Mental Disease

Money Makes The World go Round

Wednesday, June 13th, 2007

I am working again for a big software company. They have asked me to help to define their strategy. To make this work I wanted to talk with their CEO. His secretary phoned me and I heard that his mother died last night. She died at the age of ninety.

I talked with his secretary about how strange it is when your mother dies and your parents are gone. My father died much earlier. I am their only child.

With the death of your last parent your childhood is wiped out. Suddenly you are the oldest of your generation. With the death of your last parent not only your childhood but also her childhood is wiped out.

She was a storyteller (like me) and I learnt a lot about what happened in the beginning of the 20th century. My mother was born in 1914, the beginning of the First World War. Her father was working at a famous Publisher in Leiden (Brill). He was a typesetter. He was fired when the economy collapsed (the Great Depression) and his family (four daughters) became very poor. His wife and children were forced to work in the houses of the rich people.

My mother did not finish school. I was her only child and she projected, like all parents, a better future in me. I was a bright person and I was stimulated to learn, learn, learn, read, read, and read. I am a product of her imagination.

My grandfather was a christian socialist. My mother was also a revolutionary person. She was a feminist. She believed in the equality of males and females. She was a pacifist.

I was not allowed to play with weapons. She opposed alcohol and I was not allowed to drink. She was also a Christian. She believed in “giving away everything to the poor” and she practised her faith al her live. I am a product of her ideals.

Later in life she became a very critical person. She gave away everything but nobody gave her back what she gave away. When she was old she was alone and she wanted (!) me to visit her. She even demanded this. In the end of her life she got dementia.

I tried to help her but I was unable to fulfill her dream. She wanted to live with me but this was impossible. I cried. I tried to find a solution. Many advisors visited and promised beautiful things.

Every time they did not keep their promises because there was a shortage in mental care for old people with dementia. I became very angry. I phoned, talked, send letters but nothing worked.

My mother and my father worked with numerous others to rebuild the Netherlands after the war. When she was old The Netherlands was a very rich country but the government was unable to take care of aged people.

I know why.

You know why.

Money makes the world go around
The world go around
The world go around
Money makes the world go around
It makes the world go ’round.

A mark, a yen, a buck, or a pound
A buck or a pound
A buck or a pound
Is all that makes the world go around,
That clinking clanking sound
Can make the world go ’round.

Money money money money money money
Money money money money money money
Money money money money money money
Money money

If you happen
To be rich,
And you feel like a
Night’s enetertainment,
You can pay for a
Gay escapade.
Money money
Money money
Money money
Money money
If you happen to
To be rich,
And alone, and you
Need a companion
You can ring-ting-
A-ling for the maid.
If you happen
To be rich
And you find you are
Left by your lover,
Though you moan
And you groan
Quite a lot,
Money money
Money money
Money money
Money money
You can take it
On the chin,
Call a cab,
And begin
To recover
On your fourteen-
Carat yacht.

Money makes the world go around,
The world go around,
The world go around,
Money makes the world go around,
Of that we can be sure.
(….) on being poor.

Money money money-
money money money
Money money money-
money money money
Money money money money money money
Money money money money money money
Money money money money money money


If you haven’t any coal in the stove
And you freeze in the winter
And you curse on the wind
At your fate
When you haven’t any shoes
On your feet
And your coat’s thin as paper
And you look thirty pounds
When you go to get a word of advice
From the fat little pastor
He will tell you to love evermore.
But when hunger comes a rap,
Rat-a-tat, rat-a-tat at the window…

At the window…

[EMCEE (spoken)]
Who’s there?

[GIRLS (spoken)]

[EMCEE (Spoken)]
Ooh, hunger!

See how love flies out the door…

Money makes
The world…
…Go around
The world…
…Go around
The world…
…Go around
Money makes the
…. Go around
…Go around

That clinking
Clanking sound of
Money money money money money money
Money money money money money money

Get a little,
Money money
Get a little,
Money money
Money money
Money money
Money money
Money money

Mark, a yen, a buck
Get a little
Or a pound
Get a little
That clinking clanking
Get a little
Get a little

Clinking sound

Money money
Money money…

Is all that makes
The world go ’round

Money money
Money money

It makes the world go round!

I miss my mother.

Hahahaha Dadadada: About Childisch behavior and Decadence

Wednesday, June 13th, 2007

This evening I talked with a friend of mine. He runs a business in Knowledge Management Tools. His brother-in-law is very rich and he was invited to visit him in Spain (Valentia). His brother-in-law owns six cars, a big house and a very expensive sailing ship but he is not able to sail.

My friend is an expert in sailing and he is helping his brother-in-law to sail his ship to Alicante. This weekend a huge sailing event is taking place. It is organized by Switzerland. They needed a sea so they made a deal with Spain.

Organizing the whole events costs Euro (Tax money). To develop a sailing boat an investment of 20.000.000 Euro is necessary just to experiment. Building the ship costs much more (200.000.000 Euro).

Winning the race gives you status in the network of rich people. Larry Ellison the owner of Oracle is one of the persons who is investing billons just to win and another Russian billionaire is doing the same. Anderson made his money by creating and selling software to big companies and government agencies. The Russian billionaire just grabbed everything he could get in Russia. He not only owns a expensive ship but also the most important Soccerteam in Brittain (Chelsea).

Normal (poor) people can watch the race on television and rich people don’t even watch. They have their private parties and my friend is invited. I advised him to find somebody that would buy his environment just for fun.

His Sister-in-Law shows strange behavior. She is wasting enormous amounts of money (six cars) but she also looks at the small things. She is “pound foolish and pennywise”. Her main interest is faking the luggage system of the airplane. She does not want to pay more than the normal fair and she has developed numerous tricks to fake even the customs. She is an expert in smuggling. She acts like a big child and she does not knows she is playing with fire.

My friend is an analytic observer and he observes the same thing in government projects (also tax money). His tools are very cheap and very advanced (Open Source) but Government Agencies and especially Government Research Organizations are spending billions to create something that is already available for free.

Rich people don’t pay a lot of taxes. They pay advisors to find holes in laws and the advisors advise governments to create holes. If they don’t do that the rich people move to other places in the world. Switserland is the expert in “helping” rich people. Banks are doing everything you want to do secret things with your money.

Last night I was asked to help the sun of a friend. He was having troubles with mathematics. I am a mathematician. (Not) to my surprise I found out that his problem was not insight but just doing something at school. He was spending all his time with friends, making fun in school and he did not spend a minute to listen to the teacher or to read his book. I couldn’t do anything to help him.

My friend also wanted to talk about the “career” of his sun. He had to make a choice and after some debate I found out that he wanted to become a banker. I have worked for a bank and I explained him what bankers are doing. He wanted to work in the money-market. I told him economics or mathematics is needed. He understood that his behavior in school was not helpful. After some debate I found out that he did not want to become a real banker. Banking was about doing nothing, driving big cars, nice suits and having fun. He just wanted to be rich.Unfortunedly his father was not a rich person so the only thing that was left for him was to play the lottery.

What is happening?

What is happening is called decadence. We are so rich that we don’t know what to do with our wealth.

But we are also very stressed. Why? Because we are convinced we have to work to make money.

To employ people we give them fake-jobs. Many jobs are about advising the advisor. This is a well know play in the Netherlands. Behind every teacher (we have a shortage, it is not paying much) twenty people are advising. Behind every nurse (and we have a shortage, it is not paying much) there are twenty advising. And it goes on. There are advisor to advisor and at a certain point they create a loop. This loop causes complexity and we employ advisors to make it simple and a new complexity arises. In the end we don’t know what is happening, we get stressed and we employ advisors (ok I stop).

It’s like a strange dream and the dream can turn into a nightmare when the system collapses (and it is collapsing) and suddenly we don’t have enough electricity (Fall-outs happen) and the trains are not running (They do).and computer systems are going out of control (They do) The advisors know that the reason is complexity but they don’t know how to solve it.

Dada or Dadaism is a cultural movement that began in neutral Zurich, Switzerland during World Ware I and peaked from 1916 to 1920. The movement concentrated its anti-war politic through a rejection of the prevailing standards in art through anti art. The movement influenced later styles, movements, and groups including Surrealism, Pop Art and Fluxus.

The artists created art out of junk and shit and made a fool of the governing class. Surrealism uses the Dream World to show how the elite is behaving. The “leader” Andre Breton was trained in medicine and psychiatry. He used the psychoanalytic methods of Freud with soldiers who were shell-schocked. He admired anti-social attitudes and disdain for established artistic tradition. He hated them and wanted to show the fake and the nightmares of poor innocent people that were fighting a useless war that was all about Power and Status.

Now the rich persons are paying millions to buy a piece of shit of Dada.

Andre Breton is laughing in his grave and the rich people are laughing also because they also have fun.


Dadadada. Childisch Behavior.


Are we watching the End of Western Civilisation?

I don’t know.

The rich have all the money and therefore the power to stay in power.

The children watch the Jet-Set on Television and also want to be rich.

If they are very poor they Join the Army.


Why Crazy people Always Win a War

Friday, June 8th, 2007
In the New York Review of Books of this month (June 2007) Robert Cottrel reviews the book “A Russian Diary” by Anna Politkovskaya. She was a very famous Russian journalist who was assassinated October 2006 in Moskow. 

Anna had the Guts to oppose Putin. The book is about him and the current situation in Russia. Robert Cottwel is very negative about the way the West is treating Russia. They need the oil and gas and don’t see that a possible world-wide war between Russia and the West is near.

The story about Russia is very frightening. Putin is a brilliant manipulator who is combining all his old skills (KGB), his almost total power and the underlying aggression in Russia to “Take Revenge”. 

I want to focus on one aspect in this article. It is about Kayrov the President of Chechnya. He is appointed by Putin. Anna interviews him. She finds out that he is completely crazy. He loves to kill and torture and he is very open about that.

Later in the article we find a small poem that was published in Russian Newspapers. The poem is about taking over Estonia. This will be easy “Who in NATO cares? .. They are Cowards,… in the end we will strike and make a deal with those greedy pigs. Who will sell their mother for gas”. 

With this in mind I thought about the Ethics of War.

Question 1:  What is Ethics?

The definition of Ethics is simple: Things normal people don’t do in a normal situation. War is not normal so you would say ethics is not possible but soldiers are normal  people that are trained to experience war as normal. Soldiers are tested and trained to behave normal. Crazy people are not hired. A soldier can become crazy because of the war-situation and kill and torture innocent people. We, in The West, are doing are utmost best to prevent this.

Question 2: What is Crazy (Not Normal)?

This question is easy to answer because craziness is like all diseases standardized by psychiatrist. It is just a matter of answering a few questions and the treatment and the pills comes out.  

A theory that explains mental illness is called Interpersonal Theory (See Horowitz.L.M, (2003), Interpersonal Foundations of Psychopathology).

People interact and in the interaction they show expected behavior. If a person shows standardized behavior (he is not flexible) he is “MAD”.

An example of highly standardized not flexible behavior is Paranoid. People always react according to the same rules.

Crazy people are people that are like computers; they are programmed.  They don’t see, feel, or hear the Other. They are alone in the universe. They love to kill and torture because they and not able to be empathic. They look at their victims and have fun. They hate their victims because they look like greedy pigs who will sell their mother for gas and they love their mother. 

Why are  the soldiers of NATO cowards? The answer is simple because they are normal and most of them are empathic. They flip when they realize what the others have done to their friends, their comrades.

Now I know why the story about Russia is frightening. Putin is mad. Perhaps he is even paranoid. He wants to restore the old Russian Empire. Like all his Predecessors.

He knows that the West is totally dependent on energy and he plays with them. He gives the greedy pigs the food they want. He knows they will negociate to keep their wealth.

What he does not realize is that in the West people can become crazy and some of them are in the Army. When they are brutallized till the end they flip and they will use non-normal highly destructive weapons. If this happens we are in Armageddon.

Perhaps we have a chance when we change our selection policy of soldiers and select real crazy people.

This will frighten Putin.

Why is Western Civilization so Extreme Violent?

Wednesday, May 30th, 2007

Violence can be seen in every area of life.

We converted people to the Christian Faith of “Love thy Neighbor” with Violence.

We cure Diseases with Violence (Opening the Body, Taking Toxic medicine), we use Violence to create Food and now we even use Violence to Enforce (!) Peace (Afghanistan, Iraq).

Violence to enforce Peace is the last invention of what a friend of mine calls the Dark Dreamers.

Dark Dreamers are people that cannot handle Love and Compassion. They are afraid to Lose Control.

To Stay in Power they have to Suppress Others. To suppress others they need Violent People (Killers, Soldiers, Food for Cannons).

Violence is a reaction to suppression and the most effectual suppression is the suppression of sexuality.

In “The History of Sexuality“, Foucault states that Western Culture has long been fixated on Sexuality.

In China, Japan, India and the Roman Empire sexuality has been seen as an “Ars Erotica”, “Erotic Art“, a special experience.

Sexuality is something to Enjoy like good food, music and theater.

In Western Society something completely different has been created, “Scientia Sexualis“, the Science of Sexuality.

It is based on a phenomenon diametrically opposed to Ars Erotica: the Confession. The pleasure of Sexuality has to be confessed and examined in every detail to find the traces of SIN.

The confession of sin creates a power relation between preacher and confessant.

Foucault writes: “We are an extraordinarily confessing society. Confession has spread its effects far and wide: in the judicial system, in the army, in medicine, in pedagogy, in familial relations, in amorous relationships, in everyday life and in the most solemn rituals; crimes are confessed, sins are confessed, thoughts and desires are confessed, one’s past and one’s dreams are confessed, one’s childhood is confessed; one’s diseases and problems are confessed”.

The main focus of the confession was on regulating the sexuality of the married couple, ignoring other forms of sexual relations.

Therefore the body of women was sexualized because of its role as a child bearer.

The concept “hysteria” was invented and seen as a result of sexual problems.

To prevent that children experience sexuality as a pleasure parents are warned about the dangers inherent in masturbation and other sexuality.

The sexuality of adults becomes an object of study and all forms of “perverse” aberrations are seen as dangers.

Foucault emphasizes that the aim of these moral codes was not to abolish all forms of sexuality, but to protect health and the purity of the race.

What can we do to stop this violence?

Don’t Confess Anymore. Talk Freely about everything you Enjoy even Sexuality and consider life as a beautiful experience.

Make Love not War.

Leave the System of Violence and join The System of Love and Compassion.

If you want to bring Peace to the World go to the under-development countries and help to build Roads, Schools, and Houses.

The people over there are Not Violent (Remember this is the Message of the Mass Media) they want to Enjoy Life Like You.