Posts Tagged ‘speed’

About the Expansion of Space

Tuesday, December 16th, 2008

expand spaceThe Universe, Space, is expanding at a constant speed, the speed of Light. If we try to imagine an expanding Space we imagine something, a balloon, which is expanding in Space.

When Space is expanding, outside Space is Nothing at All. Space is just creating Space.

Imagining “nothing at all” is a big problem for many people. They believe there are always Insides and Outsides.

Expanding Space, or Movement, is the Foundation of our Reality.

Space is creating all kinds of forms but Space is also a Form.

The expanding Space conforms to “geometric expansion rules” and many people will ask the question who has created these rules.

When we have established a principle we always want to know who has created this principle. When we have solved this problem the same question is asked again and again because it is almost impossible to imagine that a Dynamic Process is not caused by a Static Cause.

The Duality of the Inside and the Outside, the Static and the Dynamic have to be resolved on a higher level. On this higher level the Outside is the Inside and the Mover is Moving Itself.

At this moment many mathematical theories of Reality are constructed that are trying to avoid the “trap” of Duality. It is not difficult to translate their physical statements into spiritual statements. Spirituality and Mathematics are exploring the same domain, the Domain of Wholeness.

It all starts with The Light.

light wavesLight is something that is moving with the same speed as the expanding space, the Akasha, so expanding space could be seen as traveling Light Waves. Space/Light is moving with the speed of Light, c, but it is not necessary that the Light that is moving inside space is traveling with this speed.

When Light is not moving in a straight line the form of Light is changed and other structures (particles) are formed. The most interesting structures are complex cyclic structures (the Vâyu). They are the basic containers of the Universe.

Space is closed in Itself but there is an absolute boundary, the Edge of Space. This edge is a Mirror. When Light bounces against this Mirror it bounces back and influences the other Light Waves.

Because the Edge of expanding Space is a circle, The Light Waves move back in a different direction and create interference-patterns. Because space is limited and closed in itself one Wave of the Light, the Svara, is sufficient to create a complete spectrum of waves.

The Frequency of the Waves determinates the levels of Space. Conscioussness appears when something is able to Observe Itself or to Moves ItSelf. So every Level in Space is consciouss.

The interference of Light Waves creates “disturbances“. Some waves are starting to move in a cyclic pattern. Within these disturbances the Light is caught. They are rotating and rotation is linear speed transformed into rotating speed. The sum of the rotating and the linear movement is always constant.

The disturbances in space are influenced by the expansion of space. When Space is expanding the disturbances are extended until they break.

Ripple in the UniverseJust like a spring (a rotating circle, a spiral) breaks when the expanding pressure is too big. When the broken structures drift away from the “front-line of space” they are put together again. When this happens some of them are twisted.

Twisted structures (Moebius Ring, Klein Bottle, Knots) are forms with are different in behavior than normal cyclic structures like the Torus. They are without an inside and an outside, they are without a surface and they expand and contract in a different way. They increase the “tension” in space.

Space itself is expanding with a constant speed but the many different forms in space react differently to the expansion. When the resistance is increasing space is rippling (“zitterbewegung”) just like our skin is rippling when we get older. During the rippling phase, space expands by folding onto itself.

The wrinkles, ripples, buckles, bends, are the many appearances of energy and matter. They can again be visualized by a balloon with knots tied on its surface. Knots that are tied on the surface of the balloon represent matter, and surface wrinkles that emerge around knots represent the electromagnetic field.

The wrinkles and knots decreases the circumference of the balloon, and while the balloon is still expanding, the inner pressure, the torsion, increases until the Balloon collapses completely into itself. The pressure is so strong that space moves through a tine hole (bindu) in the surface (the Black Hole) of the Balloon and space expands at the other side of the balloon (the White Hole). From that time on “history” repeats itself.

The Universe is Breathing.

balloonsAt this moment we have developed a very simple theory. Space is the expansion of Light. When the Light bounces against the Mirror of the Edge of Space it creates Interference Patterns.

These patterns behave differently under the stress of the expansion and the stress of the expansion starts to interfere with the other moving structures in space.

If you read the Story of the Universe one thing makes the Story rather complicated. To explain expanding space the metaphor of the Balloon is often used but the geometric structure of the Universe is not a Balloon.

We are not living Outside the Balloon but we are living Inside the Balloon. Outside the Balloon is non-existent. We are not moving Inside the Balloon but we are moving on the Surface of the Balloon. The Inside of the Balloon is non-existent.

Mathematics has used the flat structure, the Euclidian Universe, to explain reality. In this Universe all the geometric theories of Euclid were valid although one of the postulates of Euclid, the parallel postulate, was in discussion for a very long time. This postulate states that two lines intersect when the sum of their angles is less than 180°.

calibiyauWhen people found out that we are not living on a flat earth they realized that the parallel postulate was wrong. The sum of the arcs of a triangle on a sphere is not 180°.

When mathematicians started to face the facts the Non-Euclidian Geometry was born and the parallel postulate was abandoned. The flat geometry was an exception. We are living in a curved universe.

The man in the street is not educated in the curved universe and many brilliant scientists who are operating outside the area of the exact sciences don’t have an idea about non-Euclidian geometry.

Non-Euclidian Geometry has had a huge impact on Science. The curved Universe is just like the “valid” postulates of Euclid an accepted fact.

If everybody would accept the “fact” of the curved universe and realize that every system in the Universe (also the Economic System) is always expanding and compressing we could anticipate the Waves of the Life Force, the Svara.

If everybody could accept that an always expanding system in our Universe always collapses in itself we could realize that an expanding economy wil create complex knots that cannot stand the tension of the expansion. The knotted, highly related, structures in our Reality are breaking and twisting.

They stop the expansion until the singularity is reached. At that time we will move trough the Black Hole and the White Hole in another Universe, Our Twin Universe.

The most interesting part is that it is possible to develop a theory of the Universe without any idea about the real Universe. It is a direct consequence of the postulates of Euclid. The only thing that is left to interpret are the results of the Geometric Theory of the Universe in our Reality. We have to find visual methaphors in our reality that look like the concepts of the geometric theory.

black-holeThe only thing that is needed to Accept the Geometric Theory of the Universe is to Accept the Postulates of Euclid. They are more or less self-evident.

They are Visible in our Reality, but still you never know if somebody is capable of finding a new exception of the postulates. If this happens the Geometric Theory has to be adapted.

Until now nobody has a clue. The axiomes of Euclid are still the foundation of Mathematics.

The Old Scientists stated that our Reality is an Illusion. The only thing that is existent is the Movement of the Void. The Movement of the Void generated the Reflection of the Void, the Expansion of Space, The Interference Patterns of the Light and finally the final compression into The Void.

They stated that the Universe is an expansion of nothingness and the nothingness is preserved in every state of the Universe. Every duality that is constructed is voided in the nothing.

Consuming is voided by Production. The Good is voided by the Bad. The Up is voided by the Down. Life is voided by Death. Everything wants to return to the original state of the Rotating Void.

If the population of the Earth is consuming to the extremes one day the opposite will happen and we will be consumed to bring back the balance of the void.

When we lend we have to pay back our debts to the Universe.


About Reflecting Waves at the Edge of the Universe

About Non-Euclidian Geometry

A recent Geometric Theory of the Universe

About the Moebius Ring, The Klein Bottle, Knots and Physics

About Heisenberg and the Rippling of the Universe

A very old Geometric Theory of the Universe based on the Upanishads

About Radiant Energy

Tuesday, June 17th, 2008

Nicolas Tesla met Swami Vivekanaka at the 1893 Chicago’s Worlds Fair. He became very interested in the knowlegde of the Swami about the Kalpas (the Cycles), Prana (the Breath of Life) and the Akasha (Space). Tesla used the Old Indian Science to explain his Electro-Magnetic Experiments.

 The talks with Viveknaka helped him to understand what happened during his experiments with Electro-Magnetic Plasma. Tesla recognized that all perceptible matter comes from a primary substance filling all space called the Akasha. At the end of his life he formulated the Dynamic Theory of Gravity. Instead of the term Akasha he used the Greek version of the Akasha called Aether.

The term Aether was used by the Greek to describe the fifth state of the Universe (the quintessence). The other states are called Water (Jala, Liquid), Fire (Agni, Plasma), Earth (Pritvhi, Solid) and Air (Vayu, Gas). The five elements are used in every ancient culture all over the world.

Michelson and Morley tried to measure the effect (the friction) of the Aether in 1887. The negative result of the experiments was totally not expected. After the experiments the concept of the Aether was abandoned.  Space (the Vacuum) was empty.

The Speed of Light became the Maximum Speed, a universal constant and a dogma of science. In essence the experiments did not tell anything about the Speed of Light outside the context of the Earth.

The maximum speed created many problems when Quantum Mechanics showed strange effects between two Very Distant places in the Universe. The solution for this problem was to define a “shortcut“, “tiny (black) holes” in Space. The interesting point is that the Akasha in the Old Indian Science at the (lowest) physical plane was represented as a cluster of very small holes or bubbles (Mulaprakriti).

At this moment the concept of the Aether is on its return and the Speed of Light seems to be variable. The speed is dependent on the “phase” or density of the Aether. There are really five (!) types of Aether. This was already discovered by Tesla when he experimented with Radiant Energy.

The old Indian Science helped Tesla to understand the theory behind his experiments. If you have a close look at the theory of Tesla and the old

Indian Science you will find that it contains much more knowledge and this knowlegde is slowly proved to be right. One of the most interesting parts of Old Indian Science are the Levels in the Universe.

In the West we are trying to explain everything on one level, the Material Level. In the East the Universe contains Seven Levels or Seven Rays. They are the enfolding of the Creative Force that Knows Itself.

The old Scientists did not need very expensive experiments to find out how the Universe was “working”. They travelled to the inside of their “minds” to find the outside.

One of the things they are telling is that we are at the end of the Kali Yuga (“the dark Age“). This phase in the human existence is caused by a very long cycle where our Sun is moving around his twin star (The Dark Star, Sirius). The period of this cycle is about 24.000 years and related to the precession of the equinoxes.

At the end of the dark part of the cycle we will see a breakdown of the idea of a material world and a growing consciousness of the underlying unity of peoples, energy and nature. Almost everybody is hoping this time will come soon.