Posts Tagged ‘Enlightment’

About the Rationalists

Sunday, March 8th, 2009

factoryOne of the most important causes of the current economic crisis is Rationalism.

Rationalists believe that the Imagination, the Emotions and the Consciousness are controlled by the Brain.

The Human Being is seen as a “walking head“.

The Roots of Rationalism can be found in the Enlightment.

The Scientists and Philosophers of the Enlightment were obsessed by objectivity and perfection. In their view, Objectivity and Perfection can only be accomplished by controlling the subjective parts, the Emotions and the Imagination of the Human Being.

The subjective parts are part of the Body and the Body is Impulsive and Illusionary. The Warm Chaotic Sensual Body detracts the Cold Analytic Brain.

The Rationalists created the Corporations, the Mass Production System and the Mass Media. Every structure in the rational ecology is designed to perform its own specialized task. The Mass Media create the demand for the products that the Mass Production Systems have to deliver.

The Rationalists put the Brains at the Top of the Hierarchy of the Corporations and the Brain in the Operating System of the Computer. They eliminated the Craftsman and the Laborers and replaced them with the Perfect always Obedient Objective Human, the Robot.

twin-towersThe effect of Rationalization is tremendous. An enormous Amount of Work has been rationalized and this development is not at its end.

Rationalization will soon affect Teachers (E-Learning), Doctors (Diagnostic Systems) and even Scientists (Pattern Recognition, Artificial Intelligence).

Rationalism is turning every local diversity into a global monoculture. Everything can be Quantified and Everything, even Life itself, can be Engineered (Bio-Engineering).

The Big Problems Earth is facing can be solved by new Technology and Enough Capital to Invest. It is just a matter of Time and the totally Engineered World will be a Fact of Life. If Earth cannot be saved we will simply move into Space and find another Place to Live.

When everything is the Same only the Price or better the possible Profit determinates the Value of an Object. This starts a downward cycle where every process is optimized. Only the costs count.

Rationalization enforces Rationalization until every Human Being is removed out of the Production and Sales Chain. The Robots, Articial Intellligence, will Rule the Earth.

When this process has reached its end a very high percentage of the Human Beings will be out of Work and when you are out of Work you are not able to buy Products. Rationalisation destroys its own market.

The solution is to create Artificial Jobs. The first solution was to create the Service Economy. In the Service Economy Advisors are advising Advisors who are advising Advisors.

In the next step, The Social Economy was created. Every Act of Care has to be paid. If the Social Economy is at his end the Brains will certainly create new artificial jobs to Keep the Humans out of Paradise. We have to keep on suffering for the betrayal of Eve.

The Brains also created an Artificial Manipulated Market, The Stock Market and have given the Customers Artificial Manipulated Money (Fiat Money). 

gears_of_warA recent “invention” are  Artificial Manipulated Worlds, Highly Addicting Computerized Mass Games to keep the Customers busy and asleep.

When the amount of “un-employed” reaches a limit these solution have to be replaced by more advanced manipulative instruments (E/M-Fields, Advanced NLP, Mind Control). These instruments are already developed and tested.

When the Economy is going down many people get into trouble. When they look around they will see that some people are always making a lot of money. They are the Brains at the Top who understand what is happening.

They don’t want everybody to understand that they are the “cause of all evil”. The most important thing they have to prevent is a Revolution, a Rising of the Masses against the Manipulators. The best way to prevent a Revolution are the old Roman tricks “divide and rule” and “bread and games”.

As long as the Masses are Eating, kept Busy with Innocent entertainment (Games, Sports, Movies) and the real causes of the crisis are hidden they will use their agression against something else (The Terrorists, The Evil Countries, The Muslims, ….). The Mass Media are the part of the Economic System that have to take care of this.

If Customers don’t want to buy the Products the Corporations have to pay the Customers to buy the products to keep their systems running. Companies like Google are already paying their Customers to Sell the Products of the Producers that are paying for the services of Google. To attract customers Google is giving away many services For Free.

When Customers get their services for free they will not buy the services from the producers that wanted to be payed for their services. This  again leads to a downward spiral with a tremendous focus on cost reduction, efficiency and rationalization.

global-warming-pollutionThe only way to survive is to merge and become the “leader of the global pack“, the Monopolist. At this moment we are in the end game of the Global dominance of a few Big Corporations. The most important factor is and will be the Control over the Mass Media.

The “for free“-economy is the perfect example of a Ponzi-scheme.

In a Ponzi-scheme (or chain-letter) the initiator makes the profit and the innocent crowd,  the fools,  who believe in the scheme lose all his money.

The “new” economy consists of a complex network of Ponzi-schemes. At this moment many of these schemes are in their end-phase. The initiators are extremely rich or are taken into court. The fools,  have lost almost all their savings and their confidence in the “new” and the “old” economy has totally disappeared. It will be very difficult to prevent a Revolution.

The current Global Economic Monoculture consists of highly predictable integrated value-chains in which every part is extremely specialized.

When one of the part of the chain fails (e.g. the Banking System), the complete chain fails.

When one part of the chain (e.g the Customer) is not performing according to the predictions, the whole chain slows down and finally stops.

When the Individual Rational Customer turns into an Chaotic Impulsive Emotional Collective the System Collapses.

The Rational Arguments of the Brains at the Top are not sufficient to convince the Customers to start buying again. They just want to find a secure place to wait until the Perfect Storm of the Economy has stopped.

There is only one solution to this problem.


We have to Disconnect and Start All Over Again.

Leave the companies.

Without You they are nothing.

Become your own Manager.

Become Self-Sufficient.

Do your own Research.

Explore your Inner World.

Make love.

Give advice for free.

Help the others so they will help you.

Become a Generalist.

Grow your own food.

Produce your own Energy.

Learn the Crafts.

Start new businesses on a local level.

Create your own currency.

Create a local bank.

Start Cooperations.

Feel and Enjoy.

Do Nothing

Just Watch.

Create Useless things (Art).

Sing and dance.

Use Your own Imagination Again.

Your Emotions will Like It.


About the Industrial Revolution

About the Calvinistic Work Ethic

About Ponzi-schemes

An article in Forbes Magazine about the interrelated Ponzi-Schemes in the New Economy

About Manipulation


About Total Madness

Monday, August 4th, 2008

I have never believed reason and the final implementation of reason, the Computer, would help mankind. Reason is a terrible trap. It compresses our reality to a single point in which we finally will vanish. 

The Reason We are Here is not reason but non-reason. We are here to fight reason until it finally disappears.

The weapon with which we have to fight reason is reason itself. If we understand the simple fractal pattern behind everything we are ready to experience the spectacular effects of the simple pattern.

When you look at my blog about the Limits of Reason you can see that the solution is easy to find.

The solution is to move to the level the computer and reason never can reach, the world beyond Point Ω of Chaitin into Total Madness. It is the place where the Creative Force creates unique patterns that nobody can explain. The only thing we can do is Experience them.

The step into the world beyond Ω is in essence a step into madness. We have to leave everything we know behind. We have to skip all our patterns.

There are many types of madness but the madness I am talking about is named schizophrenia or psychosis.

I have experienced Psychosis when I suddenly jumped into the Unknown two years ago. I did not know my state was named this way. I experienced the state and tried move out of it because it was killing me. It was killing me because I received too much information. My brain was unable to find a pattern and the effect was almost total madness.

Luckily I did not go to a psychiatrist and I also did not take any pills. I just started to use the Internet to find out what was happening to me. Finally I knew I was the “victim” of something the old scientists call “Kundalini Rising“. I was experiencing something the Old Scientists call Enlightment.

When you are moving into the state of Enlightment you know there is another world behind this world and you know this world is real. It exists but the majority of humans are not aware of this world.

When you have experienced this state you suddenly understand what other enlightened humans are trying to tell. You understand the Gnosis but you also understand certain Philosophers who are trying to grasp the Reality behind our Reality.

One of them is Gilles Deleuze. Deleuze worked together with the psychiatrist Félix Guattari. One of their “Inventions” is the Plane of Immanence.

A few citations:

Here, there are no longer any forms or developments of forms; nor are there subjects or the formation of subjects. There is no structure, any more than there is genesis.”

We will say of pure immanence that it is A LIFE, and nothing else” [...]

A life is the immanence of immanence, absolute immanence: it is complete power, complete bliss

There are only relations of movement and rest, speed and slowness between unformed elements, or at least between elements that are relatively unformed, molecules, and particles of all kinds. There are only haecceities, affects, subjectless individuations that constitute collective assemblages. [...] We call this plane, which knows only longitudes and latitudes, speeds and haecceities, the plane of consistency or composition (as opposed to a plan(e) of organization or development

Deleuze and Guattari are using very difficult language but what they are trying to grasp is the experience of Union that occurs when your kundalini is moving. Many other people that have experienced this state of pure love have tried to find all kinds of metaphors to explain something you cannot explain.

The first time in my life the state of Union took only 30 minutes because somebody was able to drag me out of it. I wanted to stay there for ever. The second state lasted more than a week and because I was alone nobody was able to help me. It was much stronger and it came with huge flashes of Insight.

What will come in the near future is total Madness. Many people are already moving inside to find a state to cope with the Madness. The Total Madness has many names. Terrence McKenna calls it Point Omega. Funny enough the state when we pass the Limits of Reason carries the same name.

What is the Reason We are Here

I think Leibniz was not far away from his statement that Our Universe is “the most simple in hypotheses and the most rich in phenomena“. There are just a few rules that determine the Game of Life. It does not take a long time to find these rules. We can spend our whole life to prove these simple rules are not there. In this case Reasoning detracts us from the real thing. 

If we want to move beyond Omega we have to stop Reasoning. At that time we are ready to Create and Experience the Unique Events of Life itself.


About the Deleuze and Events

About Deleuze and Leibnitz

About Deleuze and Ethics

About Deleuze and Creation

About 2012 and Point Omega

What willl happen at Point Omega