Posts Tagged ‘creation mu’

About the Chinese Domino Game and the Magic Square of Lo Shu

Tuesday, April 29th, 2008

Old Games always contain a Mystical meaning. They contain a Code. Over and over again the same Code is implemented in many games.  This blog is about the Chinese Domino Game.

The Old Chinese Masters made a distinction between the Square and the Circle. The Square was related to Human Creativity (Playing the Infinite Game of Life). The Circle was related to the Cycle and the Spiraling Spiral, the Fundamental Laws of the Universe.

The meeting of the Square, The Game,  and the Circle, Fate, generates Luck, Coincidence or Synchronicity.

The Chinese Domino Game Set is created by a throw of two six-sided dices. There are therefore 21 unique patterns. The 22nd pattern , the whole, closes the circle.

A tile is divided into two suits called Military and Civilian. The Civilian tiles are the Upper Triangle in the Matrix generated by the 36(6X6) throws of the dice. We find the same division in the Old version of Chess. The Civilian tiles are named and ranked according to their Level (Heaven, Earth, Human).

Each civilian tile has a Chinese name : The 6-6 is tin (天 heaven), 1-1 is dei (地 earth), 4-4 is yan (人 man), 1-3 is ngo (鵝 goose or 和 harmony), 5-5 is mui (梅 mei, flower).

The six symmetrical tiles (1-1, 2-2, ..) are the Basic Powers in the Universe (Earth, HuMan, Fire (Growth), Heaven, Center,..). The other Tiles are Connectors between the Powers and the Levels.

Chinese language is a Pictorial language. The Pictures are related to Sounds (morphemes). The oldest version of Chinese consisted of only Four Tones. The meaning of the language is highly Context-Dependent.

Numbers are also Context-Dependent. You have to know the modulus to understand what a number means. In the West we are accustomed to the use of 10. The number 13 means 10+3. In the “Old Days” other numbers where used.

When we move back to the Domino-Game we see that the base-number is 6. 1-3 (meaning Harmony) is really 6+3=9 in our notation based on 10.

A Magic Square is combination of numbers where the numbers in all rows, all columns, and both diagonals sum to the same constant. One of the oldest Magic Squares is the Lo Shu Square. It was given after the Great Deluge to the Mythical Emperor Lo Shu by a Magical Turtle. The Turtle is the Symbol of the Star System Orion.

4 9 2
3 5 7
8 1 6

The Lo Shu Square is a Code. If you follow the “numbers” 1-9 a Pattern emerges called the (generating) Sheng Cycle. When the numbers are added the number 15 (3X5) appears. The number 15 represents Three Times the Center which again indicates that there are Three levels. The three levels enfold into 7 levels when we apply the movement, the Spin, of the Cycle (Left-Handed, Right Handed).

The Sheng Cycle

The Sheng Cycle

The Left-Handed cycle is called the Destructive Woe Cycle. The Generating Cycle is voided by the Destructing Cycle (-1 + 1 = 0). The number 7 is 2X3+1 (-3,-2,-1, 0, 1, 2, 3).

The division of the numbers 22 and 7 generates an approximation of the number pi, the Squaring of the Circle. It binds the Game of Life (Square) to the Laws of the Universe (Circle).

The 5 represents the Center and is called the Force of Life (Chi). Chi was called Ether in the West and Prana in India. Ether is called the Vacuum in Modern Physics.

The Magic Square is a representation of a Topological Structure called the Moebius Ring. The Ring is a Cyclic Structure without a Boundary. The Ring is the Basic Fractal pattern. The Universe is a Closed Self-Referencial structure, a Spiraling Spiral. The Ring enfolds in a Ring and the Enfolding is a Ring.

The Magic Square can be expanded to the 64 (8X8, the Checker Board) hexagrams of the I Tjing.

In the Game of Chess the Pawns are moved along the lines of The I Tjing. They create a Pattern just like the Game of Domino creates a pattern.

Both Games were played by Four Players, The Four Forces. The Games are a simulation of Life (or Earth or the Universe).

The Seven Heavens

The Seven Heavens represented by the Tower of Babylon

The Magic Square is also the basic pattern behind Acupuncture, Feng Shui and Astrology. The Magic Square Forces the Forces to Cooperate. They have to stay within the Limits of 15, the Upwards Spiral.

To move back to the Center (The Void) they travel back by the Downward Spiral. The Up/Downward Spiral is the basic Fractal Pattern of the Universe.

Again we move back to the game of Domino.

The Domino Stones can be seen as Numbers with a base 6, Characters with a meaning (1-3 (=9, the end state) means Goose and Harmony), Sounds, Colors and connectors in the Magic Square. In this case there is a relationship to the Human Body, The Living Context (Feng Shui), The Planets and the Galaxy.

The 21 unique throws of the two six-sided dices can be rewritten in a combination of two Lo Shu 3×3 Magic Squares in which one square is the negative of the other and the zero is in the middle ((-1,-2,-3,0,1,2,3) x (1,2,3)). It represents a combination of a left- and righ hand turn of the Cheng Cycle.

The Old Masters believed in a self-referential Universe. The “Fractal” pattern repeates itself on every Level. At this moment Scientists start to believe the same.

Thoth and the Human represented by the Ape. The Ape uses the Eye of Horus (the third Eye) to look at Thoth

Thoth and the Human represented by the Ape. The Ape uses the Eye of Horus (the third Eye) to look at Thoth

The Magic Square was given to mankind after the Great Deluce by a Mythical Entity, Half Man, Half Serpent. He came from an old civilization that was situated in MU. His Knowledge came from the Star System Orion (The Turtle).

The Egyptian name of this Magical Entity is Thoht, Tehuti or Djehuti. The Greek named him Hermes “Three Times Great” (Trismegistus) which relates him to the number 15 (3X5) of the Magical Square. Thoth was the keeper of the Secrets of Osiris (The Planet Sirius). Thoth was the Moon-God and is represented in old paintings as ibis-headed with the disc and crescent of the Moon. Hermus Trismegustus inspired the Magicians in the Middle Ages (John Dee) and new “mystical” groups like the Rosecrusians and the Free Masons.

Thoth came to Earth to teach mankind. He made all kinds of calculations about the Heavens, the Stars and the Earth. When he was finished he returned to Heaven (Orion?). When Earth is in a huge crisis he will come back. His knowledge and calculations were put into the Sacred Books of the Temple put unto 36535 scrolls that were enclosed in the Hall of Records. The Keys of Thoth were put into a Calendar. The Egyptian calendar was based on the Moon Cycle. They synchronized the Moon Cycle with the Cycle of Sirius. Sirius in the star system Orion rose every 365 days. The Egyptian Year started when Sirius appeared (June 21th).

The Playing Board of the Egyptian Game Mehen

The Playing Board of the Egyptian Game Mehen

Thoth came from Sirius (Al Shira, The Shining One). Interesting enough all the other Serpent-Kings came from the same Star System. All the Serpent Kings created Pyramids (even in China!) and the Pyramids are a “Simulator” of the Orion System.

Thoth will Return. We will be warned about the Rebirth of Thoth when something happens with Sirius. In a Hopi Myth Sirius is called the Blue Kachina. When the Blue Kachine drops its mask (or veal) the Fifth World will appear.

Let us move back to the Game of Domino.

Vladimir Pakhomov wrote a book called the Message to the Unborn. He used the Game of Domino to encrypt the Code behind the Code. The book contains more than 500 pages to explain his theory.

When he placed the Chinese Domino game in a Magic Square of Lo Shu and used the Orion System as the Central Code the code behind the code showed itself.

He named his book Message to the Unborn because he shows that our Ancestors from the Stars not only gave us a warning. They also gave us Tools to Save Mankind. The Tools are Magical Incantations (Tones and Sounds). Perhaps it is Very Easy to Save Mankind!


A website about the Lo Shu

About Mehen, the Spiral Game

About Thoth

About the African History of Ancient Egypt

About the Djed-Pillar, the Egyptian Serpent

About the Nine Spiritual Bodies of Egypt

About Egyptian Physics

About Heliopolis, the Ancient University of Egypt

About the Left and the Right Brain

Sunday, March 30th, 2008

The human brain is divided into two, distinct cerebral hemispheres connected by the corpus callosum.

The sides resemble each other, and, generally, each hemisphere’s structure is mirrored by the other side, yet, despite the strong similarities, the functions of each hemisphere are very different.

Linear reasoning and language functions such as grammar and vocabulary often are lateralized to the left hemisphere of the brain.

In contrast, holistic reasoning language functions, the transduction of visual and musical stimuli, such as spatial manipulation, facial perception and artistic ability are functions of the right hemisphere.

People who were more active in the left frontal brain (right handed) deal with a stressful situation with continued optimism. Right brained (left handed) people are much faster at recalling memories of negative events. They’re more prone to depression.

Left frontal person are a little more extroverted, more willing to take social risks, because they’re driven by the opportunity for positive things. Where the person who’s right frontally activated are more driven by avoiding more negative things.

 The winner of The Nobel Prize in Medicine 1981, Roger W. Sperry made some of the most profound discoveries in neuroscience when he showed that the two sides of our brain can be independently conscious.

 In the 1960s, surgeons developed a procedure to cut the nerve bundle that normally connects the two hemispheres as a last resort to control difficult cases of epilepsy.

Before this, the classic view of the brain was that the left brain dominated thinking and was primarily the seat of language, analysis, and high-level learned motor skills. The right, or “minor,” hemisphere was considered less highly evolved and unable to understand reading or speech.

When Sperry started testing patients with split brains, he and other scientists were surprised. He found that not only could these patients continue to carry on most everyday functions after the two hemispheres were disconnected, but that the right brain wasn’t as word-deaf and word-blind as once thought.

It wasn’t as advanced in language skills as the left, but patients using only their right brains could recognize such sophisticated spoken phrases as “a measuring instrument,” and could spell three- and four-letter words.

Also, in split brain patients, both sides of the brain were clearly conscious, even when they weren’t aware of what the other side was seeing, hearing or thinking. While the two sides of the brain obviously worked in tandem when they were connected, they could operate independently if necessary.

When Children are born without a corpus callosum the hemisphere is able to divide itself in a right and left function.

Lesley J. Rogers and Gisela Kaplan (Comperative Vertebrate Cognition (2004, Kluwer)) show that the specialisation of the left hemisphere is highly conserved throughout evolution. On an evolutionary scale, this anatomy can be traced from primates to birds, rodents, reptiles, amphibians and fish and even insects.

Across the animal kingdom, the left brain processes complex tasks, like collecting food. It’s the side of the brain that gets animals out and doing things. The right brain deals with threats, like predators. It’s the defensive side.

When we zoom into one hemisphere we see a fractal pattern emerge. The hemispheres are divided into lobes that are focused on the right or the left.

Left Thread Right Thread
Particular General
Local (but to achieve the precision we need a single context, we move to the UNIVERSAL to recruit universal constants) Non-Local (BUT context sensitivity is local and so very diverse)
Objects Relationships
Precise (quantitative precision) Approximate (qualitative precision)
What (Who,Which) Where (How, When)
Tonic Harmonic
Internal Linkage (within) External Linkage (Between)
Syntax/Semantics Semantics/Percepts
Single Context Multi Context
Exagerate, Distort, AS INTERPRETED AS-IS
Known Unknown
Ordered Disordered (or loosly ordered – the ‘everyday’)
Non-Change (need stability for high precision) Change
Ordinality (emphasis on directions – vectors) Cardinality (emphasis on magnitudes – scalars)
What IS What IS NOT
delusion illusion
repression supression
+1/-1 zero/infinity
Text Context
Foreground Background
Quantitative Qualitative
Expression Behind Expression
Self Others
The Dot The Field
Particle Interpretations Wave Interpretations
Metonymy (part-for-whole) Metaphor (whole-for-whole)
Axon-like (pulse, FM = SEQUENCE, Ordinality) Dendrite-like (wave amplitude, AM = SIZE, Cardinality)
neuron synaptic ‘soup’
dopamine biased (internal linkage emphasis, internal integrity) serotonin biased (external linkage emphasis, social integrity)
psychosis, schizophrenia neurosis, depression
identify re-identify
blend, bound (feeling terms for whole, parts) bond, bind (feeling terms for statics, dynamics)
Vectoring Waypointing

The divide between the Left and the Right can also be found in psychopathology. According to Interpersonal Theory all pyschological problems can be explained by two factors called Communion (Right) and Agency (Left).

Interpersonal Theory explains all the extremes in the human personality with ease.

I started my research for this blog because I wanted to learn more about MU.

Mu was according to legend the original home of mankind. All subsequent civilizations descended from it. The Pacific islands and their inhabitants are supposed to be the last survivors of this primordial motherland. Most of the time Mu is related to the Pacific Ring of Fire.

One of the most interesting books about Mu were written by James Churchward. Chuchward served with the British Army for thirty years. He claimed that, while posted in India, he befriended a priest (‘Rishi’), who revealed to him ancient tablets written in an otherwise unknown language.

The Rishi taught Churchward how to read this language, Naacal. The tablets described the land of Mu. He also claimed that he was able to discern writing from Mu on a mysterious set of tablets discovered in Mexico by an explorer named William Niven.

What is the relationship between Mu and the Left/Right-division in our brain?

Churchward has spend most of his life collecting symbols and comparing these symbols to find the root, Mu. He explains his research in The Sacred Symbols of Mu (1933).

 If you study the “symbolism of Mu” you will find the Left/Right-division and the Left/Right-fractal everywhere. It was called Male and Female in every culture he researched.

 The second level of the fractal (2×2. LR, LL, RR, RL) were called the Four Forces and they were combined with the Union (a small circle) in the middle. The second level generates the symbol of the cross and the swastika.

If we translate the Left and the Right into a zero and a one the fractal generates on the third level the patterns of the I Ching.

He ends his book with a citation of his Rishi Master: “My son, the brain of man is his storehouse for knowledge, but the holding capacity of this storehouse is limited.

Therefore, never put anything into it that is not valuable for your spiritual progress, or that which is not absolutely necessary for the development and continuance of your material body to the end of this incarnation, in order to prepare for your entrance into the world beyond.

Learn and store the wisdom of the teachings of nature, for nature is the great school house for attaining wisdom, nature is God’s voice speaking.

Materialism, generally, is not worth storing, only that which appertains to the elevation of your mind and soul, that which will raise you to a higher plane, thus preparing you for the continuance of your life in the world beyond, a step in your eternal life.

And remember, that when you enter the world beyond, you will leave all materialism behind. You can take nothing with you, nor will you remember anything about it, only Love you will remember, for Love, like your soul, is everlasting, it cannot die.

Approach the Heavenly Father with full confidence and love. His loving arms are always stretched out to welcome you. If you slip or fall by the way, yet approach Him in confidence and penitence, He will forgive and welcome you because He, Himself, is all Love“.

This is exactly what Roger W. Sperry tried to explain to the world when he reflected on his own discovery.

Do you want to know more about the Right Brain view this video:


The Sperry Lecture