Posts Tagged ‘paranormal’

About Psychic Reading

Wednesday, December 12th, 2007

When you are a young child you don’t know that some people are gifted with a certain talent and others are not. When you are born with an unusual talent people in your environment don’t understand you.

Sometimes they even tell you that you are a “weird” person and you have to behave “normal”. When you are “abnormal” it is very difficult to behave normal. When you get older you find a way to hide your ‘strange” talent. You start to behave like “the others”.

When I was young I experienced that I could “read” people. At that time I did not know my talent was called “reading”. To me “reading” was “normal” and as a young innocent child I told people many things about their “inner life” that I could not know.I was gifted with more “unusual talents” like music and mathematics.

My talents were unusual because nobody in my family and my social context was “para-normal”, “highy analytical” or “musical”.

When you look at the scientific community “reading” is classified as “para-normal” and a huge part of the scientific community, the skeptics, are fighting paranormal abilities.

I never understood why they are fighting something some people are gifted with. They are certainly not fighting people who are talented in art or mathematics.

They don’t believe the talent of reading exists because they are unable to explain this talent. They are also not able to explain the talents in art or mathematics. To me they are “the same talent”.

They are all related to what I would call Intuition. When you are Intuitive you “just know” something but you are unable to explain to other peoople why “you know what you know”.

Some people even want to pay a lot of money when you are able to prove that you are “para-normal”. They arrange weird experimental environments and don’t understand that the talent of “reading” is highly context-dependent.

The talents of art and mathematics are also context-dependent. Doing mathematics in a crowded space is impossible.

I want to give you (and the skeptics) some idea how “reading (and mathematics)” works with me.

When you want to “read” you have to be in a certain mood. You have to be “grounded”, relaxed and “opened up”.

“Grounded” feels like having “a close connection to Earth”. You are “grounded” when you feel there is “something” streaming through your body.

This “something” creates the state of relaxation. The “something” is also the connector that generates the “opening up”. The “something” is called Prana, Chi or the “Inner Light”. I prefer the last term.

It is not necessary that the somebody you want to “read” is available in the space you are staying. It is also not necessary that the somebody you want to read is alive, You need some kind of clue to make the connection. Most of the time a name is sufficient.

When the connection is made you have to make a distinction between two sensory systems. You have to stop you’re own system. This is the most difficult task to perform because you’re system is always interfering.

If you are connected to the wrong system you are “biased”. Reading works very well when you don’t know the person you are reading.

I “know” or “feel” when I have disconnected from my own system. The feeling “looks like” “being in the observer-mode”. You are looking at the world from a distance.

When this state is accomplished a “voice” starts to talk and you “see images”. The reading always starts with “hints”. “Hints” are words and flashes. A few seconds later the words and images change into a “movie”.

In exceptional situations you also feel emotions or are completely taken over by “the other”. If this happens you are “channeling”. I don’t like this state because I really don’t know who or what is taking over.

Be Honest to Yourselve and Others

Monday, June 11th, 2007

This afternoon an old friend of mine told me a funny story. He told me that he was treated by a doctor. As a child he could do all kind of tricks like getting out of his body and getting into others and explore them from the inside. He was lying on the coach and suddenly for fun he moved into the doctor and explored him. He found many interesting things about him and his patients. Suddenly he realized he was exploring a very private environment and moved out.

He did not tell me what he found out but let’s suppose he did and later by accident I found out that the doctor was a friend of a friend and for fun I told my friend what I knew and later he told his friend for fun what he heard. What am I trying to show here is that by accident and for fun we get to know a lot about others.

People (Yes Females and Males) are always gossiping so beware of the fact that if you have a secret in the end people will find out.

It is not necessary to use a paranormal ability. People talk, mail, chat, sms, write letters and everything you want to keep secret arrives at a certain moment at the wrong person by accident (Murphy’s law).

Modern technology is making it worse.

You are talking with a friend in the train using your mobile phone and you get into a very private conversation about a deal and you forget you are in the train. Just a few meters behind you somebody is listening and by accident he is of the competition. Bingo. He knows everything and two days later your world falls apart. They have taken it all. When I was driving to Brussels (I was doing lobbying for a big bank) I heard all the private conversations of politicians and their friends about what they were trying to accomplish.

You send a private email to a friend and he sends it to somebody else. Almost nobody uses the so called Internet Ettiquette. You put a very extensive text in your Email (“This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual named.”) to prevent this and the person who is sending it to somebody else does not know that he is liable for the consequence.

Or you are using Google Desktop and you don’t know that it is recording all your private chats with your lover and at a certain moment your wife wants to search something and she finds them.

Or worse imagine Google is storing your private chats on their computers and years later You Are Running For President and they phone you. You don’t need Google. All the data of the Internet is stored in the Internet Archive.

Or worse imagine A person called Hitler is taking over power and takes over the archives and you are arrested because you are a threat to them,

Or worse imagine somebody makes a mistake and you are selected as a possible terrorist and you behavior fits the profile and you are arrested and taken to Cuba and they use advanced techniques to find out what you were doing and to stop the pain you confess.

I think you got the message.

Now I want to get back to the beginning.

On April 28 2001 Commander L. R. Bremseth of the United States Navy wrote a private recommendation to the government. It’s called Unconventional Human Intelligence Support: Transcendent and Asymmetric Warfare Implications of Remote Viewing. The document can be found on the Internet.

A citation: “Concerned that a psychical (PSI) gap existed between U.S. and Soviet paranormal research efforts, the CIA sponsored discreet research into paranormal phenomena commencing in 1972. …..Over the succeeding twenty-three years, the U.S. military and intelligence services were actively involved in paranormal research and operations involving a process known as remote viewing. Remote viewing, which produced specialized human intelligence support, served as part of overall military and government organizations’ intelligence collection efforts“.

Remote viewing is what my friend did for fun (getting information by entering a person).

Commander L. R. Bremseth’s advice:

Establish a new, broad-based paranormal research program within a highly selective, military or intra-agency organization, employing the strictest screening procedures used by SRI, CIA, DIA and INSCOM in selecting/identifying remote viewing candidates and support personnel.

Model the new program from the best features of the remote viewing program, but do not limit research to remote viewing alone.

Explore a myriad of phenomena having potential military applications with the goal of developing transcendent and asymmetrical warfare approaches.

We are now 5 years later and research has advanced. I can imagine there must be transcendent wapensystems operational because research-companies like SRI need the money and researchers want to explore deeper and deeper into the human mind and even the human Soul..

Later they wake up (like Oppenheimer) and realize what they have given to the world. I can imagine that also!

Do you want to know more about this subject? Have a look at this website


The Document of Bremseth