Posts Tagged ‘Logos’

How to Restore The Balance in A Material World

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2009

The Major concept behind our Self-Referencial Universe is Balance. In the beginning the Universe was balanced by the Empty Set (Ø). When the Numbers appeared the Zero (0) became the balancing point. Out of the Empty Set , the Tao, the first Trinity appeared (-1,0,1).

The Tao begot one.
One begot two.
Two begot three.
And three begot the ten thousand things.

The ten thousand things carry yin and embrace yang.
They achieve harmony by combining these forces

(Dao De Jing by Lao Tzu chapter 42)

When the Whole Numbers were created their complementary counterpart, the Names, also came into existence. Numbers are used to Count (1,2,3). They are the representatives of Time. The numbers were created when the Logos, Uttered the Names of the Numbers (“In the beginning was the Logos, and the Logos was with God, and the Logos was God” (John 1:1)). The Names (“alef”, “bet”, “gimel”, ..) are the representatives of Space.

The “Tao” is too great to be described by the name “Tao”.
If it could be named so simply, it would not be the eternal Tao.

Heaven and Earth began from the nameless (Tao),
but the multitudes of things around us were created by names.

We desire to understand the world by giving names to the things we see,
but these things are only the effects of something subtle.

When we see beyond the desire to use names,
we can sense the nameless cause of these effects.

The cause and the effects are aspects of the same, one thing.
They are both mysterious and profound.
At their most mysterious and profound point lies the “Gate of the Great Truth”.

(Dao De Jing by Lao Tzu Chapter 1)

Names and Numbers, Space and Time, are interconnected. Each of them secures the continuity of the other. Space by supplying connection to the fleeting instants of Time, Time by providing elements, Holes, within the Blanks of Space to Speak the Names. Everything is in the end, in its simplest terms, a piece of Space-Time and breaks up therefore into Parts, of which it is the Whole.

To Protect a Whole we have to surround this Whole with a Boundary. Within the Boundary the Parts can be combined in many ways. The basic parts, the Identities of the Whole Numbers, are the Primes. New numbers can be created by applying Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division.

The Qualitative, Numbers, and the Quantitative, Names are complementary concepts that are an Expression of the first split of the Void in Time and Space, Time/Space.

After naming and creating Time/Space the Animals were created by the Logos and named by Adam (“And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every bird in the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the birds in the air, and to every beast of the field;” (Genesis 2:19-20)).

Objects that are Named can be put into a Space with an Artificial Boundary, a Set (“Birds in the Air“, “Beasts in the Field“,”Cattle“). In this case a Law has to be formulated that directs the Parts of the Whole into the Inside and the Outside of the Boundary of the Part.

Clearly the laws of distinction of Adam in the Naming process were Select Mammals, Select Up (Sky, Birds), Select Down (Earth; Beasts and Livestock) and Select Mammals that eat Flesh and don’t eat Flesh, (Beasts & Livestock).

When we have Named Objects we can count the amount of Comparable Parts in a Protected Space (There are Twelve Sheep’s and Two Oxes in the Livestock) and Compare the amounts to create an Order (There are More Sheep’s than Oxes in the Livestock). If we have defined an Order we are able to define a Rules to Balance Space (The Amount of Sheep has to be the same as the Amount of Oxes in the Livestock).

When we are talking of animals we are very far away from the first step in creation, the Creation of the Spiritual World. Animals are a part of the Material World, generated by the Atom (Atum, Pangu, Anu and many other names).

The Balance of Our Reality is not only based on the Void (Ø) it is also based on the middle of the Whole Numbers, the Zero (0). To balance the Atum we have to use the Negative and the Positive Numbers.

When we Apply the Negative Numbers Time is moving Back and Space is Compressed. When Time is Moving Back we are re-Membering. We are using our Memory, Space, to recall the Past. When the Space of Names is compressed we are Abstracting. We are fusing the Parts to recreate the original Whole again.

When we move back in time all the named Animals and even Adam himself moves back into the Earth out if which they were created (“With the hard work of your hands you will get your bread till you go back to the earth from which you were taken: for dust you are and to the dust you will go back.” (Genesis 3:19)).

If we want to balance the Material World with the Numbers we have to bring everything that is created back to its original state. In the end of this process the original parts can be voided again. Space Expands out of the Singularity and compresses into the Singularity. The structures in the Material World are temporary structures. They come and go.

In the Material World Time spirals back and forward in the Cycle of Creation and Destruction. Almost invisible to most of the people the Void is still there. Just like a Black Hole it stays in the Center of the Spiral of Time/Space. The Spiral of Time/Space finally converges into a point and all the material objects simply vanish.

Scientists of the Social Sciences want to be different from the scientists in the Physical Sciences. They think the Human is different from the Atum. In their view the Social Sciences are about the Qualitative and the Physical Sciences are about the Quantitative.

Sadly enough the Social Scientists don’t see that the Quantitative and the Qualitative are highly interconnected. The Names of the Qualitative are an Expression of the Numbers of the Quantitative.

Behind the world of the Senses only the Numbers exists. The Numbers create Beautiful Patterns based on very Simple Rules.

What Happened?

Before Adam was created Time/Space and the Logos, the First Trinity came into existence. After that the Logos divided Space in Up (Sky) and Down (Earth) and Time in Day and Night. Earth was divided in Wet and Dry land and The Sun, the Moon and the Stars were created to produce the necessary Light to start a new creation process. The Earth of the Dry Land produced grasses, herbs and fruit trees. The Water of the Wet Land (Sea) produced the Fishes and the Whales and the Sky was filled with the Birds.

What we see is that the Logos applied the principle of Voiding. Every part that was created had its counterpart and every part was splitted using the same principle. The Logos (λέγω, Lego, I Speak) was using Logic when he uttered the Earth and the first Man, Adam into existence.

The Act of Naming was not so difficult because Adam could use the principles behind the Act of Creation of the Logos to Name the Animals. The only thing he had to is to Look for a Discriminating Principle everybody could agree on. In this case Every-body was the body of Adam himself. Adam was the only person who was naming. Adam named a Sheep “pushing out to graze“, the Lion “in the sense of violence“and the Hawk “from its flashing speed“.

What Went Wrong?

And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech. And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there. And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for mortar. And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children built. And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do; and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech. So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city. Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the Lord did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the Lord scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth” (Genesis 11:1-9).

At a certain point in time the Created discovered how the Creator, the Logos was creating reality. Adam was only naming the sub-creations the Logos presented to him. Nobody knew the names, the magical invocations, of the big structures. These names were hidden. If someone knew the names of some of the magical invocations, it was forbidden to utter them because they could destroy or disrupt the delicate balance that was woven by the Logos into the fabric of Earth.

Suddenly a part of the created, The Annunaki, wanted to use their own Names to create independent material structures (The Tower of Babylon). To prevent the overtake of the Annunaki the Logos scattered the people and destroyed the Unity of the Magical Language, The Tones of Creation, of the Earth.

To prevent that the Humans started their own process of the creation the Logos created a confusing language-environment. Every thing was named with many different names and the way back to the original structures of creation was veiled. From that time on the Humans started to fight the War of the Words.

What To Do?

If we want to create Balance in our Material World we have to get the Names right again. We have to restore the unified magical language that was there before the Tower of Bable. To get the Names right we have to Remember what the Process of the Creation of the Material World was all about. We have to understand the original Intention behind the Uttering of the First Logos.

The First Logos is a Creator who is observing the enfolding of his own Creation, the Atum. The Atum generates beautiful, harmonic, musical, patterns of numbers that are connected to the Tones of Creation. These patterns can be analyzed to detect the original design or simply enjoyed. The Material World is a Piece of Art and we are here to enjoy the Artwork and to make new Artefacts.

We, The Humans, are part of the enfolding of the Material World. We are here to enjoy the beauty of it and to participate in the creation process. We are the Co-Creators of the Earth but we simply lost the original Blueprint and are desperately trying to repair the highly instable constructions that we have created ourselves.

We could learn a lot from the original Architect but we have lost contact. We feel very alone in the Universe but the only thing we have to do is Ask and He will answer all our Questions.


About Boundaries

About Wholes and Parts

About Nothing

About the War of Words

About Space and Time