Posts Tagged ‘Constantine’

How Akhenaton started the Age of Aquarius at the Wrong Moment

Tuesday, April 1st, 2008

mosesAkhenaton (1300 BC), married to the beautiful Nefertiti, reformed the state religion of Egypt in a very rigorous way.

In that time the main deity was named Amen. Out of the blue Amenhotep adopted an old deity called Aten and changed everything.

He not only changed his name (his old name was Amenhotep IV) but he also erased Amen from all the inscriptions of the capital Thebes and built a new capital to the north of Thebes called Akhetaten, the place where Aten rises.

The powerful priests of Amen (or Ammon) did not like this move and revolted. The priests of Aten were expelled of Egypt and fled to Palestine.

The leader of this expedition was the high priests of Ahktnaton called Ra-Mose. The mother of Ahkhnaton was Tiye. She was the daughter of the Chief Minister of his Father, Yuga.

bust_of_nefertiti1In 1939 Sigmund Freud published a book called “Moses and Monotheism“. In this book Freud argues that Moses was the High Priest of Akhenaten. Yuga, the father of his wife is the Jewish patriarch Joseph and his high priest Ra-Mose is the Moses of the Old Testament.

In Moses and Monotheism, Freud claims that Ra-Moses only led his close followers into freedom and that they subsequently killed Moses in a rebellion.

Freud explains that years after the murder of Moses, the rebels formed a religion which promoted Moses as the Saviour of the Israelites. This religion was a mixture of the worship of Aten and Zoroaster (Mithras). Maitreya is the Hindu-variant of Mithras.

The Roman Emperor Constantine created the New Testament of the Bible. He used the widespread Cult of Mithras to introduce Christianity in the Roman Empire.

The cults of Mithras and Maitreya expect a return of an enlightened teacher on Earth.

aquariusHis coming is characterized by a number of physical events (lowering of the sea level, strange weather conditions, decline of nature, war and other disasters). At this moment we are living in the Kali Yuga literally the “age of darkness“.

A complete cycle takes a precession of the equinox, 25. 200 years. All the epochs together equal 12,000 years in the ascending phase and 12,000 years in the descending phase.

The lengths of the periods maintain a 4,3,2,1 ratio to each other. This means that the end of the Cycle (the Dark side, Amen, Kali Yuga) is situated in Pisces and the new cycle starts with the Age of Aquarius.

mozesStephen Mehler wrote From Light into Darkness (2005) and The land of Osiris. He has researched the ancient wisdom (Al Khemit) of the original civilization of Egypt.

According to Mehler the original culture of Egypt believed in a cycle that consists of five stages.

The first stage was called Aten (The Light) and the last stage that started around 3000 BC was called Amen. This is the stage of the Darkness.

In the first stage humans are highly conscious and are capable of many capabilities like travelling in time and space with their Light-Body.

This stage is related to the old continent of MU (the Land of Dreams). The Light of Aten was the Light of Enlightment, the Spirit of Creation.

During the stage of Amen Religion was created and the priests became an important power. The priests invented the Gods and used rituals and rules to manage the masses.

The Roman Emperors did the same with Christianity. It was transformed from an inspirational movement of the followers of the Light (the Gnostics) to a very intelligent way to continue the Roman State.

At this moment Spirit and Soul are on their return. They show the coming of the Age of Aquirius.

For until now unknown reasons (perhaps the influence of his mother who came from “India”) Ahkhnaton started the new cycle of Aten when the cycle was not completed. He revolted at the wrong time. He wanted to bring the Light in the time of Darkness and was stopped by the Institution of the Church of Ammon (Materialism).

After his death the priests almost wiped out his existence. It took a lot of research to reconstruct his life. By accident (does it exist?) he send the 12 tribes of Israel to their Homeland and by his High Priest Moses started the Jewish Religion that generated the Christian Religion that was also stopped by the new Priests of Ammon (The Roman Empire).

At this moment many people in many religions are waiting for the new Maitreya to come who will restore the stage of the Light.

Ahkhnaton was a King-Poet. Some scientist believe he is the biblical King Solomon. Ahkhnaton/Solomon created The Great Hymn to Aten.

How manifold it is, what thou hast made!

They are hidden from the face (of man).

O sole god, like whom there is no other!

Thou didst create the world according to thy desire,

Whilst thou wert alone: All men, cattle, and wild beasts,

Whatever is on earth, going upon (its) feet,

And what is on high, flying with its wings.

The countries of Syria and Nubia, the land of Egypt,

Thou settest every man in his place,

Thou suppliest their necessities:

Everyone has his food, and his time of life is reckoned.

Their tongues are separate in speech,

And their natures as well;

Their skins are distinguished,

As thou distinguishest the foreign peoples.

Thou makest a Nile in the underworld,

Thou bringest forth as thou desirest

To maintain the people (of Egypt)

According as thou madest them for thyself,

The lord of all of them, wearying (himself) with them,

The lord of every land, rising for them,

The Aton of the day, great of majesty


The Final Proof of the Theory of Freud

How Socrate changed the Cycle of Western Civilization

Tuesday, October 16th, 2007

SocrateMany people Project their Knowledge of the Now to History. They Think that People Thought the same Thoughts many years ago.

To understand the Spirit of The Time we have to understand the Historical Context People lived in. One way of doing this is to look at a shared foundation and study the Historical Variations on the Central Theme.

This idea corresponds with the Insights of Micheal Bahktin. He called the central theme The Chronotope, “The place where the knots of narrative are tied”. I used his theory to have a look at the Cultural Cycle of History.

I combined the theory of Bahktin with the Economic Cycle Theory of Kondratiev. To my big surprise Kondratiev and Bahktin use a different periodicity (50, 250 years) of the Cycle but the stages of the Cycle were the same.

What surprised me more what that the periodicities of the Cycles where related by the factor Five. When you know the basic periodicity the only thing you have to do is multiply or divide by five and the same pattern, the Basic Fractal of History, emerges. The Five or the Pentagram shows itself in every culture on Earth. When we transform this structure in three dimensions it shows itself as a Spiral or a Moebius Ring.

A beautiful example of a projection of the Now on History was a visit to the Cave of Lascaux in France. An anthropologist was explaining to us what we were seeing.

The Cave contained many Spiraling Abstract Paintings. She told us that the Cave was used for rituals and the many pictures we saw had a symbolic meaning. I did not believe that because the theory of symbolism was “invented” by de Saussure (1857-1913).

The people that lived in the Cave had no idea of Symbolisms and Symbols. They just painted what they “saw” in the Outside World and the Inside World. If I place myself in their Context I cannot Imagine they were Thinking a lot. I feel they were Experiencing Nature in all his states of Wonder and Terror. Imagine what a beautifull Sky they were experiencing every Night and you will understand why the Sky Father was the major Force they felt.

The people that lived at the time of the Cave of Lascaux always situated their Holy Places at the crossings of important Ley Lines. These Ley Lines represent the Spiraling Knots of the Electro Magnetic Field of the Earth (the Earth Grid) .

Highly sensitive people can still feel the PowerPlaces and it is not strange to assume that the sensitive people at that time (“the Sjamans”) could do the same. Just like the Current Sjamans they could travel Space/Time by performing Rituals (Spinning, Chanting the Sacred Tones), Lucid Dreaming or by eating Sacred psychoactive plants like the Peyote and the Amanita Muscaria (the Soma).

Symbolism was a theme of the Spirit of the Time of a stage in the development of the Kondratiev Wave that operated between 1890 and 1940. It was the time of Standardization (Control, Plan).

The stage before this stage (1850-1890) was related to Energy (Ego, Self, Desire, Fire). It was the time when the Steel Mills were created, the research in Chemistry started and Alexander Noble invented Dynamite. I was able to map every phase of the Kondratiev Cycle to the Cycle of Bahktin.

The 5 phases of the Kondratiev Cycle (5×50 =250 years) could be summarized at a higher level, the Industrial Revolution. I found out that the Industrial Revolution was a Social Movement. A Social Movement is always preceded by a Spiritual Movement, the Renaissance.

I started to map the Cycle again with a periodicty of 250 years. The time-interval between 1450 and 1700 is called Renaissance. It is the stage of the Spirit and Ideas. The model fitted.

I went back 5×250 years (200-450). In this time Christianity was created by the Roman Emperor Constantine I. He used the widespread Cult of Mithras to introduce Christianity in the Roman Empire. Again we are in the stage of the Spirit. The Model fitted.

I jumped to a higher level of the Cycle (The Cycle of Civilizations) and travelled further back in time. I arrived at the time of the Cave of Lascaux. At that time many caves contained “abstract pictures”. The pictures look like Spiraling Spirals.

Later the spirals where placed in a Medicine Wheel and connected to Animals (Eagle, Bull). The same animals appear in the Medieval Cathedrals but now they are related to the Apostles. Even the medicine wheel (a labyrinth) can be found there.

If you walk this wheel in the Cathedral it will point you to all the important stories that are told. Just like the Medicine Wheel the Cathedrals (build by the (Free) Masons) where an educational tool to tell about the Spiral of Life. Suddenly I saw the big picture.

Every step in the Cycle was nothing but a new way to show the “same thing” again and again. The spiralling spiral came back all the time but on a different level.

What happened around 550 BC?

At that time an Innovation in Religion came into the World. This innovation can be summarized by the famous statement of Socrate Know Thyself. The same statement can be found in the Gospel of Thomas and is also the central theme of the teachings of the Buddha. The Gospel of Thomas is a part of the Dead Sea Scrolls, a Gnostic Library of the Essenes, dated 50 BC.

Jesus said: Whoever knows the All but fails to know himself lacks everything . . . But the Kingdom is within you and it is without you. If you will know yourselves, then you will be known and you will know that you are the sons of the Living Father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you are in poverty and you are poverty“.

Boeddha became an Inspiration in the East. Socrate and Jezus were killed. From that time on an enormous amount of people were killed in the West when they wanted to Know Themselves, find the Whole in their Inner World.

They could not experience the Roman Religion through A System. Know Thyself was a huge threat to the Rulers of Western Civilization. Constantine simply took over Christianity to preserve the power and made it into a Roman System. A system of Laws to Obey. He practiced the old Roman trick of Divide and Conquer to save his Empire.

Between 1450 and 1700, the Renaissance, the tides started to turn. It took another 250 years (1950) before the people in Europe started to find their own Identity again. We are now in the Stage of Individuality of the Cycle and are slowly entering the state of Empathy. It shows itself in the many attempts to create Networks (Communities). The Internet is one of the major Western technological inventions to support this.

The Cycles of East and West (and North and South) are coming together. The Eastern Cultures embrace Western Culture and the Western Culture embraces Eastern Culture. We can create Harmony by a fuse of everything the Human Race has Learnt when a new cycle started around 550 BC.

The Cycle of The Earth is almost at The Breaking Point. According to many environmental scientists we will soon experience a very fast Reorganization on the Level of Earth. The long term cycle of Earth is restoring itself.

Not only Earth will restore itself. The original Spirituality of the civilization of MU, will be restored. An ancient Bhuddist prophesy speaks of the darkest hour of the Dark Age, when the rivers of materialism burst their banks, and plague, famine, greed and warefare beset desperate people everywhere.

That Dark Age will soon end and the new Golden Age will appear. Many living buddhas are now here to bring the precious healing Dharma to anyone ready to receive it.