Posts Tagged ‘confessed sins’

About the Legal System

Saturday, August 4th, 2007

A friend of mine is a well known lawyer. He is writing a book about improving the Legal System. He is thinking out of the box.

His main issue is efficiency. We can save much money and of course save a lot of trouble of innocent victims of the System when we use sound principles of management. I agree with everything he is writing.

I don’t want to think out of the box I want to remove the box itself. Let’s have a try.

Why do we need a law and people that are enforcing the law?

Was there a time in history when Law was not needed?  Law was not needed in Paradise.

What Went Wrong?

The Church is trying to convince us that we were forced to leave Paradise because of Sin. Eve ate an Apple. The Apple was given to her by the Snake and the Snake was Evil. Sin is the cause of the Legal System.

We have to detect and punish all the sinners who are not obeying the Law. When they have confessed their sins in Court they have to pay the price in terms of money and/or years in prison. After that time they can start all over again.

The concept of Sin was invented to give the Power to Judge to the Church of Rome. The Church of Rome was the successor of the Roman Empire. They were the experts in managing the masses (Divide and Conquer, Bread and Games). They were also the inventors of our Law System.

My friend uses many Latin insights like “De minimis non curat Praetor (dont go to court for something small)” to support his arguments. Later the Institutions of the State took over the Power to Judge.

The Church of Rome not only explained why we had to leave Paradise. It also invented a new concept called Heaven. Heaven is Paradise but now we have to obey the law to get there.

Paradise was given to us. To go to Heaven we have to obey. They not only invented Heaven but also Hell (The Jail) and a manager of the eternal Jail called the Devil.

The snake is really the symbol of Consciousness, the power which knows itself. When the human left Paradise he became aware and was given the opportunity to become a co-creator. He became a part of the Whole that is called All-That-Is (Yahweh). He was also given a Free Will because a dependent co-creator is not a creator.

What went wrong?

We were not able to co-create a balanced Earth and time after time All-That-Is was asked to interfere and to create a Law like the Ten Commandments. The first command was “Don’t Kill“. Humans thanked Yahweh for the Law and just went on killing.

What went wrong?

We always find new laws (exceptions) that are more important than the first commandment. We invent them. We are allowed to kill when somebody has killed another person or we are allowed to kill when somebody is trying to kill another or…. I can go on and on giving you very intelligent arguments why killing a human is allowed in a certain situation.

This process of inventing exceptions is called jurisprudence and it creates a very complex system of laws. To judge a situation we need highly educated experts (Lawyer) and highly educated “objective” persons (Judges) to value the law and its exceptions to pass a verdict. By creating experts we created a shortage. The experts in law are not trained to become a doctor or an artist.

In society we don’t discuss this shortage. We hope that the System (now called a Market) will regulate itself. When it is regulating itself we create Laws to stop the process of Self-Organization (also called Consciousness).

The doctors are afraid there will be too many doctors so their price (income) will go down. They organize pressure groups that are influencing law makers and often somebody introduces an exception. This exception increases the Complexity of the System.

What went wrong?

When you need an expert you need money and some people are poor. So we invented a system where there are two types of victims the rich and the poor. The rich are able to win a legal process more easily than a poor person.

Again we created a shortage. The shortage is wealth and we invented a tool to “objectify” wealth called money. Poor people are in need of money and rich people have an abundance of money. We created a system called a Bank to regulate the flow of money. We created systems to regulate Banks. Regulating regulators never stops.

What went wrong?

The rich people have influence by themselves. We try to prevent this but behind the scene people with influence are making deals with the Law. We all know that.

We create Laws to prevent this but as you all know now people don’t like to obey rules. This opportunity was given them when they left Paradise. It was called Free Will. We are constantly trying to control Free Will (Our co-creating Creativity).

What went wrong?

At some point in time the masses became too powerful. They were on the verge of a take-over. To stop this democracy was invented. This went wrong when the masses started to vote for themselves. To prevent them doing this the consumer market was invented. The masses (now called citizens) could vote with their money.

Now the consumers (the masses) are taking over the Power again and the consumer market is destroying Earth (our Paradise).

We are inventing new concepts like Media and Games (Bread and Games) to silence them.

We also create new ways to “divide and conquer” called Sound Management Principles and Compliance but will it help us?

What went wrong?

The main point I am trying to show you that things always go wrong. We are compensating a fatal error with a fatal error.

This is a meta-problem and I can go on phrasing meta-meta-meta questions and in the end things are always are going wrong. Is there something totally wrong behind all this?

We started with the gift of consciousness, the power which knows itself. This power gave us a Free Will and Free Will is Co-Creativity. The Co is very important Co means Co-Operation.

Are we really using the Power to Know Ourselves? If we would know ourselves we would know what was Right and what was Wrong. We would act out of Knowing instead of out of our Impulses. We would not need an outside Law. We would be carrying the Law in Our Selves.

Why are we not using our Consciousness?

People use their Consciousness all the time. It is a voice that is talking in their heads asking them Why?

Why is starting the process of Reflection. To reflect we need a Mirror and the Mirror is the Other. If you were the other, would you like to be treated like You are treating the Other?

What people do most of the time is the opposite of Reflexion called Projection. Projection is telling others not to do what You are doing all the time.

You are a Priest working in the Army. You tell others that they are not allowed to kill but when there is a war you pray to God for help to win the war.

Projection is the cause of all the trouble we are in. Projection is Judging others without starting to Judge yourself.

Ask yourself the question. Is it wrong to ask for food when you are hungry? The Law in the Bible tells you to give shelter, food and care to the poor and the sick.

Why are we not doing this?

We are doing this because when we give money our account is going down and perhaps we need the money later when we are in trouble. But when everybody is helping everybody we don’t need to save money.

We don’t believe others will do this and therefore we are not doing it our selves. This is projection. We are projecting our behavior on others.

Is it wrong to ask for a shelter when you are poor? Again “giving something” causes problems because when we give we are also have to take.W

We think Life is a zero-sum-game.  We are imagining a shortage. Shortage is a fantasy, an Illusion created by our Thinking Process.

Our Thinking is projecting(!) troubles into the future and acts in the Now like they are real. It wants to control something that is still not there.

We have created the Illusion of State, Law, Money, Inflation, Interest, Budget, Time and many other Illusions of Control. They are bothering us now in everything we want to do.

Life is really a non-zero-sum-game when we share and collaborate. The solutions for the big problems in the world are known. We don’t apply them. We are projecting, projecting and projecting. Let’s stop this Evil Game.

Let us start to observe our selves.

Let us use our imagination and create new possibilities.

We don’t have to move far away. Let us start in our own environment, our family, our friends, our colleagues, our neighbors. If everybody is doing this we will solve many problems.

In the end we will still need a Law and a Judge but the amount of Laws, Jurisprudence and Lawsuits will dramatically go down. The System will be very simple and  a lot cheaper. It will cure and clean itself.


About Lady Justice

About Ethics

Why is Western Civilization so Extreme Violent?

Wednesday, May 30th, 2007

Violence can be seen in every area of life.

We converted people to the Christian Faith of “Love thy Neighbor” with Violence.

We cure Diseases with Violence (Opening the Body, Taking Toxic medicine), we use Violence to create Food and now we even use Violence to Enforce (!) Peace (Afghanistan, Iraq).

Violence to enforce Peace is the last invention of what a friend of mine calls the Dark Dreamers.

Dark Dreamers are people that cannot handle Love and Compassion. They are afraid to Lose Control.

To Stay in Power they have to Suppress Others. To suppress others they need Violent People (Killers, Soldiers, Food for Cannons).

Violence is a reaction to suppression and the most effectual suppression is the suppression of sexuality.

In “The History of Sexuality“, Foucault states that Western Culture has long been fixated on Sexuality.

In China, Japan, India and the Roman Empire sexuality has been seen as an “Ars Erotica”, “Erotic Art“, a special experience.

Sexuality is something to Enjoy like good food, music and theater.

In Western Society something completely different has been created, “Scientia Sexualis“, the Science of Sexuality.

It is based on a phenomenon diametrically opposed to Ars Erotica: the Confession. The pleasure of Sexuality has to be confessed and examined in every detail to find the traces of SIN.

The confession of sin creates a power relation between preacher and confessant.

Foucault writes: “We are an extraordinarily confessing society. Confession has spread its effects far and wide: in the judicial system, in the army, in medicine, in pedagogy, in familial relations, in amorous relationships, in everyday life and in the most solemn rituals; crimes are confessed, sins are confessed, thoughts and desires are confessed, one’s past and one’s dreams are confessed, one’s childhood is confessed; one’s diseases and problems are confessed”.

The main focus of the confession was on regulating the sexuality of the married couple, ignoring other forms of sexual relations.

Therefore the body of women was sexualized because of its role as a child bearer.

The concept “hysteria” was invented and seen as a result of sexual problems.

To prevent that children experience sexuality as a pleasure parents are warned about the dangers inherent in masturbation and other sexuality.

The sexuality of adults becomes an object of study and all forms of “perverse” aberrations are seen as dangers.

Foucault emphasizes that the aim of these moral codes was not to abolish all forms of sexuality, but to protect health and the purity of the race.

What can we do to stop this violence?

Don’t Confess Anymore. Talk Freely about everything you Enjoy even Sexuality and consider life as a beautiful experience.

Make Love not War.

Leave the System of Violence and join The System of Love and Compassion.

If you want to bring Peace to the World go to the under-development countries and help to build Roads, Schools, and Houses.

The people over there are Not Violent (Remember this is the Message of the Mass Media) they want to Enjoy Life Like You.