Archive for December, 2008

About the Void

Monday, December 1st, 2008

Infinity is a very strange concept. It is a concept we, the Humans, are unable to imagine because our Reality is Finite. Infinity is created by a division by Zero. Multiplying Zero by Infinity could be Any Number (A/∞=0, 0*∞=A). Infinity-times-Zero is an unlimited resource, the Holy Grail.

The concept 0 is not (¬) “nothing”, the empty set (Ø). The number 0 is the result of subtracting a number by Itself (A-A=0). The number 0 is the symbol of, the Middle, Balance and the Absolute Truth (A=A, I AM what I AM).

Strangely enough the name “zero” given to the symbol of the concept “0″ comes from the Arabic صفر, şafira, “it was empty” and the Sanskrit śūnya “void” or “empty”. The 0 was empty, Ø, before it was created.

The symbol of the number Zero looks like an Egg. According to many creation myths the beginning of this world non-being, one point, Ø, expanded into an egg, 0 , that was splitted until infinity (-1, 0, +1).

When we use Topology we see that Infinity is “a state we will never reach” in a linear perspective. When we create a continuous mapping of the Circle to a Line extending from “negative infinity” to “positive infinity” the line of Infinity is the line that lies parallel to the original line. Negative and positive infinity close in one “impossible” point that can easily be reached by moving through the cycle but cannot be reached by a Line.

The tragic of the Circle is that we always come back at the same point:

We shall not cease from exploration

And the end of all our exploring

Will be to arrive where we started

And know it for the first time.

(T.S. Eliot).

To learn or to get new experiences we have to jump out of the cycle. In this case the circle becomes a spiral and we move from one level of circulating to a new level of circulating.

The big problem of the spiral is that we never will reach the end. We will never find what we are looking for. We keep on moving.

But somewhere on the circle and the spiral lies the “magical zero”, the connection to the void, the gate, the primal source, our final destiny.

The great path has no gates,

Yet thousands of roads enter it.

When one passes through this gateless gate,

He walks freely between heaven and hell


The empty set, Ø, is created by paradox, I AM AND I AM NOT.

To Jump out of the Cycle and the Spiral we have to find the gateless gate.

I am fluctuating between NO(0)-THING and The ONE (1)

I am a Wave.

I am the Void, Ø, AND I am the Egg of Creation (0).

I am a Paradoxal Paradox.

I move with the River to Join the Sea(∞).