Posts Tagged ‘Art’

Why Knowledge Management Advisors are Unable to Manage Their Own Knowlegde

Thursday, October 11th, 2007

To my surprise many people are still trying to implement Knowledge-Management. I thought everybody was convinced that after almost 12 years of failing people would understand there is something wrong.

I was involved from the beginning. Knowledge Management came out of Data- and Database Management. At that time I believed the human was a Machine. I did not believe that at that time. Later I realized this was the paradigm we were using. When you use the paradigm of the Machine the only thing you can do is Program People.

When you Program people you store DATA in a database and you give them the opportunity to share this data. This can be done by search (unstructured text) or by a SQL-statement. When you do this you are simply automating a process.

Funny enough when I listen to the current generation of Knowledge Managers I hear nothing about the most important thing we did at that time called DATA-ANALYSIS. This Art has vanished for some reason. Data-analysis is the art of finding out the MEANING of what people are communicating. My favorite method to do this was NIAM.

There are special processes where Experts are involved. When you automate these processes you are building EXPERT-SYSTEMS.

This is everything there is to say about Knowledge Management.

But people that are busy with Knowledge Management don’t want to automate a process. They are different. They want to Manage the Sharing of Something called Knowledge (or Experience?).

For some reason people are unable or are not willing to share their experiences (“what they have learnt in Practice”). The first reason could be that they really don’t want to do that because their practice is their income. Many people and companies protect their experience by Law and Patents. If you really want to protect your Experience you have to Organize this process.

The last reason could be that they just don’t know what their experience is. This is very normal. It is the big problem in building Expert Systems. You need an other Expert (an Interviewer) to help the Expert to articulate the experience. This is done by Story-Telling.

Personally I think the best way to organize Experience Management is “to Let it Happen”. In the Cycle of Learning there are moments when people really need to Share (Communion). There are also moments when people need to take Control (Agency). Communion and Agency are the two factors that keep the Wheel of Innovation on the move.

Let’s change the Name of the Game of Knowledge Management and call it Collaborative Learning. Its aim is INNOVATION. This is a link to two documents (Text and Powerpoint) I wrote about this subject.

Collaborative Learning is the process of adaptation to the inside (Mental Space) or the outside environment (Physical Space, Social Space) of the learner.

To adapt to the environment the learner has to see a difference. This difference has to MOTIVATE the learner to perform a short-term (a re-flection, a re-action) or a long-term action (a plan).

A short-term action is controlled by the existing action patterns (Experience). When the environment has changed dramatically a long-term action sometimes needs a change of behavior (paradigm shift strategy).

Why is Knowledge Management failing? I give you a few possibilities.

1. People don’t see the difference. They are “Sleeping”. They are completely emerged in their environment.

2. People react and are not able to reflect. The are following their impulses. They are too busy or are already in a state of Stress (Burn-out).  When you are highly stressed your body is unable to Act anymore.

3. They know they have to adapt their behavior but are afraid to do this. They have postponed a small change and know they have arived at a turning point. They don’t want to look outside anymore and face reality. They are unable to change their Paradigm.

Now we are back to the beginning.

Why did I change my paradigm?

I changed my paradigm because after a few years I found out it was “not working”. Nobody used the Knowledge Management Systems. It was a waste of time and money. At that time we EVALUATED what we were doing. Evaluation is the step in the Collaborative Cycle where the Emotions are involved.

I know why Evaluation is not often practiced!

When People find out that something is not doing what they wanted to do they start to blame the others. They don’t except that people make mistakes and that learning from our mistakes is the essence of INNOVATION.

Most people are advised by Advisors. They are the specialists in Knowledge Management. Many of them know “it is not working” but they HOPE that someday a MIRACLE will happen. Some of them are also very afraid to lose their jobs. If this would happen a Critical Event would take place.


Critical Events are just what you need to Change Your Paradigm.

My advice to the Customers: 

1. Automate the Processes You want to Manage. Use methods that have proven themselves. Go back in history to find them!

2. When you want to hire expensive Advisors. Ask them about their successes and their failures. But also ask them How they Manage their own Knowlegde. You will be surprised. Most of the time they don’t practice what they preach! If this is the case don’t hire them.

3. Involve them in your process of Collaborative Learning. Pay them when you Learn from them and Let them Pay You when they learn from You.

4. Facilitate and Organize Story Telling in your Company. Connect “Old” experienced Experts with young people. The Oldies love to talk about their experience. This the normal way in Society. You learn the experience from your Grandparents.

5. Build a Story Telling Game. Organize this as a Collaborative Learning Cycle. I love to share My Experience.


A Presentation About Collaborative Learning

About InterPersonal Theory

Saturday, September 22nd, 2007


World Views are Perspectives on the Inner and Outer World. “Every man has his own Universe” so there are so many Perspectives as there are (and were) Humans. To communicate we have to decrease the Amounts of Perspectives.

Will McWhinney has found a model that covers most of the perspectives of the Human Being. It contains Four Perspectives circulating around a Center. His model is Self-Referencial (A Fractal) which means that the Model can be Applied on its Self.

It can be expanded to the Infinite Perspectives of all the Humans on Earth by detecting the Right Enfolding of the Fractal Pattern.

When I was working with Will McWhinney on his theory of World-Views I found many theories that could be mapped to his Theory of Change. The World Views proved to be a generic explanation of almost everything. This was a big surprise.

One of the sciences that interested me the most was Psychology. I studied Philosophy, Psychology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics and kept my knowledge of these fields always Up-To-Date.

My main problem with Psychology was the conceptual  mess it was in. I read book after book and all the time new ideas came up. It was fascinating but also frustrating.

Suddenly I found a book that helped me to see everything from one Perspective. The book contained a Model and I was able to Map the model to the World Views with ease.

The book I found was Horowitz, L. M. (2004). Interpersonal foundations of psychopathology. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Interpersonal theory looks at the world from the perspective of Relationships.

According to attachment theorists, the infant’s attachment system keeps the child close and connected to the adult, thereby increasing the child’s chances of surviving infancy. As children come to feel sufficiently secure in their attachment to the caretaker, they separate from the caretaker and explore the environment, a first step toward autonomy.

When a person initiates an interaction with another person, the other assumes that the behavior is motivated (purposeful). When an important goal is satisfied, the person experiences a positive emotion; when it is frustrated, the person experiences a negative emotion like sadness or anger.

Internal motivations can be conflicting. This can result in serious mental disorders. The interpretation of the motivation of the other is often ambiguous leading to misunderstanding and even conflict. To resolve these potential conflicts an open dialogue is necessary where people make their motives clear to others (and themselves).

Motivational constructs (desire, motive and personal striving) can be conceptualized in two very broad, abstract categories, namely, Communion and Agency.

A Communal motive is a motive for a connection with one or more others; it is a motive to participate in a larger union with other people. A communional motive can range from Indifferent (no connection) to Love (a complete connection).

An Agentic motive, on the other hand, emphasizes the self as a distinct unit; it focuses on the person’s own individual influence, control, or mastery over the self, other people, and the environment. An agentic motive can range from Dominating to Submitting.

Interpersonal behavior can be described with the so-called Interpersonal Circumplex (a Cycle). This is a widely tested model that predicts the reaction of a person to a Motive (a combination of agency and communion) of the other.

The motivational behavior of a person is more or less determined in his youth. People that are extreme in the connection/agency-matrix (e.g. indifferent to the other, too dependent, very dominant or submissive) are unable to work in a collaborative manner. They are Psychopathic.

Interpersonal Theory is very helpful to understand relationships.


The Interpersonal Circumplex or Interpersonal Cycle suggests that there are Infinite Types of Relationships. Some of them are named (Friendly, Dominant) most of them are not named.

When two persons are reacting according to the complementary expected behavior of the Other they feel “Related“. A highly dominant partner, a Master, needs a highly submissive partner, a Slave,  and vice versa.

By using the World Views Interpersonal Theory can be easily mapped to other Psychological Subjects like Learning. When we use the method of Mapping it can also be transformed to Art, History, Ecology, Mathematics and Physics.

To use the Four World Views (Unity, Sensory, Social and Mythic) we have to Map the Matrix of Horowitz to the Matrix of McWhinney .

Sensory people (Experts) are disconnected from their Self (Ego-istic). They are focused on the Senses (Facts).  An addiction to the Senses is called Schizophrenic.

Mythic (Artist)  is a Union with the Self. Mythic people are highly Imaginative and Creative. An addiction to the imagination is called Histrionic.

Social is a Union with Others. Social people are highly Emotional and influenced by the Other (Status). An addiction to the emotions is called Dependent.

A Unity (Master) is disconnected from the Self. Unity people want to control the Future. They are planning and expecting. An addiction to Control is called Paranoid.

Consciousness, the Observer,  the Center of the Cycle, is a Balance between Communion and Agency. People that are Constantly Out of Balance are called Neurotic.

What is Happening?

Paths of Change explains why Life is a Paradox.  It is a Paradox because the World Views are completely independent. They are valid ways of Looking At the World.

Normal” people combine Two or more Worldviews and are able to Switch from one View to the Other but they always look with one View at the Time.

Normal” people are mentally ill but we don’t see their illness because they are Switching all the time.

The Switch is called a Relation in Interpersonal Theory.  It connects two parts that are disconnect and will always be disconnect.

Is there a Structure behind this Structure?

Behind the Four WorldViews lies a much simpler structure. This structure contains just Two Views, the View of Control and the View of Desire.

Control is the proces of Compression. Control makes thing simple and essential. It brings everything back to the Void, the state of Infinite Potential.

Desire is the process of Expansion. Expansion makes things more complex. It generates an infinite amount of new combinations. It moves away from the Infinite Potential.

Control and Desire are Complementary Powers. When they join they are annihilated. If this happens They combine and become the Void again.

Control and Desire are constantly moving around the Void to A-Void that they move back to the state of the No-Thing, that is Every Thing.

The Four Views are nothing but Four Combinations of the Two that are Avoiding the Void which is the Center, the Connector, the Relation, the Switch, between Every Thing.


A website about Interpersonal Theory

About the Interpersonal Circumplex

About Learning and Interpersonal Theory

About WorldViews

About the Void and The Logic of Creation

About Wordviews and the History of Literature

About WorldViews and the Cycle of History

About Mapping

About Meta Art

Wednesday, September 5th, 2007

marcel_duchampSince 1915, Marcel Duchamp occasionally bought simple objects in order to exhibit them as art objects. What he wanted to show is that “The Spectator Makes the Picture“. To many people the Art of Duchamp was the End of Art.

The end of art was also a new beginning. Many of the artists who rejected the traditional art object found new realms to explore, by moving to a new level of abstraction, Meta-Art.

The meta-artwork is a class of possibilities rather than an individual thing. It may take the form of an always changing pattern (Open Form), a collection of building blocks (Interactivity), a physical process (Process Art), a computer program (Algorithmic Art), or a mere idea (Concept Art).

What Meta-Art is trying to accomplish is to generate all the possibilities and “Let the Spectator Choose what he Likes“.

Producing beautiful art is not easy. Especially if you have to make a living out of it. Many artists would sell their soul to the Devil in exchange for a magical tool that would produce the perfect artwork, enchanting their patrons and producing fame and fortune for themselves. In every era artists searched for generators and libraries of beautiful components. It is well-known that geniuses like Bach and Mozart used music-generators.

The concept of an Art Generator was described in the book Ars Generalis Ultima of Ramon Llull (1232-1315). Lullus (his Latin name) got his idea from the ancient Astrologers, the Magi. Ars Generalis Ultima inspired Gottfried Leibniz who inspired Gilles Deleuze (“Le Pli“) and George Chatin (“The Limits of Reason“).

Interviewer: “Can you tell us something about your new opera?” Giuseppe Verdi: “It’s exactly the same notes as the previous one, I merely changed the order a little bit.”

Giving the spectator a choice can be done on the level of a picture (“Now I like it“) or on the level of the process itself. “What he likes” is permanently changing according to the moods of the spectator. If would be even better if the environment and the spectator were constantly in the Now, kept in “a Permanent state of Pure Beauty“.

mondriaanThis is what Mondriaan wanted to achieve “Our material environment can only posses a pure beauty (i.e., be healthy and satisfy utility in a truly direct way), if it no longer reflects the egoistic feelings of our small personality: it does not even have any lyrical expression any more, but is purely plastic.”

“For the present moment I see no possibility for arriving at a purely ‘plastic’ expression by only following the organism of what is to be built, focusing only on utility. Our intuition is not sufficiently developed for that, and too involved with the past. [. . .]

For instance, utility often requires repetition in the way of nature (in workers housing, for instance), and in that case the architect needs the concept of plastic expression and the power to go against what the practical goal seems to indicate. Because there are always possibilities for architectural solutions which satisfy the practical goal and the esthetic appearance.”

Mondriaan experimented with Metrical Repetition and Symmetry. He studied Improvization and Jazz to find the perfect pattern. At that time Mathematics and Computers were not helpful to him. Chaos-theory (Emergence), Fractals (Self Reference) and Super Symmetry (The Multi Dimensional String) were “invented” much later.

Mathematicians have been gifted with the Talent of Art. All of them love Music and many of them make music. To me Mathematics is about pure Beauty. It is not a coincedence that Mathematics is the leading force to create innovative Art.

Mathematics in combination with the Computer is capable of much more. It is capable of generating and controlling adaptive environments. Places where happenings take place that create new narratives. We are not far away to create the automated Chronotope, the Holodeck in the famous television series Star Trek.

buildingsI have been involved in many experiments in this area. I worked with Erik Vreedenburgh and Remko Scha  and Ad Luytwieler . The website of Artifical contains many briljant articles. I used them in this blog (Thanks).

All of them are able to create beautifull buildings for a budget that is a fraction of what we pay now. They even create adaptive buildings. Buildings that can be used by everybody in every state of his body and in every state of his life.

It is time to move ahead. The Computer, the Calculator, is not only capable of slaving the human. He is also able to serve and help us to calculate, to count, to tell us about Harmony and even pure Beauty.

A Human needs to be creative to Understand The Self.

Our Personal Art is a Mirror to See what We Are.


About Magic and the Memory Palace

About Color and Music

About Morphology

The Wordwide Carnival: A Short Introduction into the World of Mikhail Bakhtin

Sunday, September 2nd, 2007

The work of Bakhtin was disclosed to me by Will McWhinney. He used Bahktin in one of the many versions of his never published book Grammars of Engagement.

The discovery of Bahktin started with a book about Bahktin by Saul Morson & Caryl Emerson. Later I also read many other books and articles like “The dialogical imagination”, “Towards a philosophy of the act”, “Discourse in the Novel”, “Rabelais and His World”, “Problems of Dostoevsky’s Poetics” and “Speech Genres and Other Late Essays”.

Bahktin invented the term Chronotope, “The place where the knots of narrative are tied” or “the intrinsic connectedness of temporal and spatial relationships that are artistically expressed in literature“. Currently we use the term Content or Media for Literature.

A Chronotope is a Topological Concept

knotSpace (Place, Location) and Time (the narrative) are connected by a Knot. A knot is a complicated twist in a rope. The twist is needed when you want to close a system in itself. The simplest topological structure that visualizes twisted space/time is the Moebius Ring.

The Chronotope is the Centre out of which every narrative that we are able to tell is enfolding and unfolding. It produces narratives and absorbs narratives. Bahktin places Folk-Lore, Myth, the Language of the People, in the Centre.

Every narrative contains a twist, a moment where the expansion of the beginning turns to the contraction of the end. It is the moment where the narrative is balanced. The reader holds his breath. It is also the moment where the narrative is aware of itself. It observes the whole.

Sometimes the twist is in the end. You know “who done it”. Sometimes the narrative starts with the twist. There are even narratives without a twist. You know all the time what will happen.

Scientists don’t realize that a scientific article is also a narrative. They use citation to prove they are telling a true story. Funny enough scientific citation has created the Internet. A hypertext is nothing but a citation-structure.

Old narratives produce new narratives. This is always accomplished by Citation. “The word in language is half someone else’s. It becomes “one’s own” only when the speaker populates it with his own intention, his own accent, when he appropriates the word, adapting it to his own semantic and expressive intention. Prior to this moment of appropriation, the word does not exist in a neutral and impersonal language. . . but rather it exists in other people’s mouths, in other people’s contexts, serving other people’s intentions: it is from there that one must take the word, and make it one’s own“”. The cursive sentence between brackets is a citation of Bahktin.

New narratives also oppose old narratives. They are Dialogic. “The entire life of language, in any area of its use . . . is permeated with dialogic relationships“.

Dialogues are converging (Socratic dialogue), diverging and conflicting (Menippian Dialogue) or one sided (the Magisterial Monologue). “Thus at any given moment of its historical existence, language is heteroglot from top to bottom: it represents the co-existence of socio-ideological contradictions between the present and the past, between differing epochs of the past, between different socio-ideological groups in the present, between tendencies, schools, circles and so forth

The Centre generates new narratives all the time. They are a mix of the old and the new. The centre is the Centrifugal Force and this force is powered by Contradiction.

Roller_CoasterThe Institutions, the Ruling Power, are constantly trying to standardize (the Centripetal force). They formulate rules and try to transform the dialogue into a monologue.

The centripetal and the centrifugal force create a huge tension. This tension moves the Wheel of Creation. The wheel always moves through the stages of Order and Chaos. In the middle of the Tornado of Creation is the Centre, the Chronotope. In the centre you will always find rest and inspiration.

The monologue (the magisterial dialogue) is the dialogue of the Magister, the scientist, the manager, the judge, the physician and the teacher. They use science, the law, books or other Magisters to enforce their power. By formulating rules they try to destroy the creative centre (the context).

A context is potentially unfinalized; a code must be finalized. A code is only a technical means of transmitting information; it does not have cognitive, creative significance. Code is deliberately killed context“.

At this moment the Centripetal force is implemented in the Search Engine. Narratives are found by typing codes. This makes it very difficult to find a context. Companies like Google are manipulating the coding. They are paid by the Centripetal Force of the Commercial Companies.

The centrifugal force is never at rest. It always generates new alternatives. The creation of new literature is not bounded by rules. Every time a new structure is defined the Centre starts to play with the rules and generates a new combination. The Centre is not only combining rules it even invents new rules. The Centre is the inventor of new Games to Play.

Producing literature is a process of spiralling out. It follows a cycle but at a certain point in time a new Centre appears and the Cycle starts a new process of Folk-lore. The new centre is always connected to the old Centre. New myths and new fairy tales are created that are a representation of the Spirit of the Time.

Every cycle is governed by a Clock. The periodicity of the Clocks is determinated by the number five. It runs at a frequency of 1250, 250, 50, 10 or 2 years. There are frequencies that are moving faster (the Atom) and much slower (the Universe).

Bahktin has developed a very interesting theory about the development of the Chronotopes in history.

I will tell the Tale of the Chronotopes of Bahktin on the level of the Cycle of Culture (1250 years, 250 years per stage).

HunsBetween 450 and 700 the Roman Empire is destroyed by the Huns. It is the time of the Great Deportations. People out of Asia move to the West. They are the ancestors of the Ostrogotes, the Visigotes, the Franks, the Gauls, the Germans and the Celts. 1250 years later they are integrated in what we now call Europe. Between 700 and 2000 the Europeans explore and conquer the World.

Around 1200 the new powers have created many Kingdoms and have organized the Crusades to conquer the Holy Land. To show their power they build the Cathedrals. The Cathedrals are the instrument of the Education of the Masses. The old folk-lore is transformed to the new of the Christian Faith. The old-folklore is not destroyed. Many symbols and important events are preserved. They are cited. The transition of the Sun in Winter is transformed in Christmas. The new apostles are connected to the old animals of the old Wheel of Fortune.

Tristan IsoldeBetween 1200 and 1450 the Chronotope of the Greek Romance (Tristan and Isolde, Arthur and The Grail) appears. It is the Chronotope of Being and Destiny. “There are a lot of suddenly’s”. Everything happens. The actor in this Chronotope is without identity. He is tested by destiny. When he has passed the test he is not changed. There is no time and space. Time (“adventure-time”) is reversible. The actors are public figures and space is public space. In the narratives we are able to see and hear everything.

We are in the Middle Ages. In the outside world destiny is also playing its evil game. Western Civilization is almost destroyed by the plague, feminine and wars between the Kingdoms. Even the Christian Empire of Rome is divided by a schism (Byzantium). At the end only a few Kingdoms survive. These Kings become Emperors. They represent God on Earth.

copernicusThis (1450-1700) is the time of the Chronotope of the Adventure. It is the Chronotope of Becoming. The identity of the actor is transforming. He is responsible for his own actions. Life is full of turning points (twists). The actor wants to take control of the outside world. Space becomes “private space”.

To give the reader insight in what is happening the Observer is introduced. He is a voyeur, a prostitute, a rambler, a rover, a tramp, a spy, a servant or an animal. The observer is not influencing the story at all. He is just watching. Objectivity is also introduced in space (court).

In the outside world we are in the Time of Renaissance (the Era of Discovery). It is the time of new inventions in Science (Copernicus), Art (Leonard Da Vinci) and Religion (Reformation, Luther, Calvin). The Bible is translated in the language of the people. It is also the time of the Great Explorations (Columbus) of the world outside the West. Western Culture starts his quest to control Nature and eventually the World.

munchThe next Chronotope is the Biography (1700-1950), the praise of a public figure who has accomplished something in life. We are moving from the outside world to the inside world of the actor.

Inner space is closed. “This offers a new relationship to one’s own self, one’s own particular “I”- with no witnesses, without any concessions to the voice of a “third person“.

Outside events affect the inner world. The actor is not showing this. In the outside world the actor is judged by his actions and not by his inner space (his essence). “The essence of man is realized not by his condition but by his activity“.

To give the reader a view on the inner space the outsider is introduced. His outside actions are governed by a distorted inner space. The outsider (the fool, the eccentric) acts as a reference.

The actor is a pretender. He is constantly in doubt, grumbling, cynical and sarcastic. He is also passive. He is watching from a distance. Everything is Relative (Bahktin was a fan of Einstein). The only time when the actor is able to show himself is at the carnival. During this short period he is allowed to choose his own mask.

This is the time of the Industrial Revolution. It is the era of mechanization. It starts with the invention of the Mill and the Factory. It ends with the mechanized Consumer watching Television.

star warsStarting in 1950 we are again in the phase of Folk-lore. Western Civilization is moving to a new Centre, Earth.

New myths and legends will be created. They have to be based on all the tales, myths and legends that are available on Earth. Some of them will be a citation. Others will be an opposition.

All kinds of dialogues will take and have to take place. We will experience many conflicts (Mennipian Dialogue). We will also have to listen and ask questions to understand the other cultures (Socratic Dialogue). We have to stop our Western Magisterial Monologue.

In the beginning it will be a Heteroglossia (a many voicedness), a very complicated Knot we have to untie. When we have found the tread we will be able to weave a new web of narratives that will start the phase of the Greek Romance again.

Between now and 2100 “We must make the new by our own effort”.“We have to face problems of reality and human potential, problems of freedom and necessity, and the problem of creative initiative“. We have to become persons “who emerge along with the world and reflect the historical emergence of the world itself”.

In order to understand, it is immensely important for the person who understands to be located outside the object of his or her creative understanding — in time, in space, in culture. . . . Our real exterior can be seen and understood only by other people, because they are located outside us in space and because they are others

We have to write our own Novel. “There is no causality in novels, no genesis, no explanations based on the past, on the influences of the environment or of upbringing and so forth. Every act a character commits is in the present, and in this sense is not predetermined”.

We have to act without hesitation and leave history behind. There is no experience we can reuse. The future is unfinalized (open).

The Magisters are not able to tell us what to do. They are out of tricks. We have to put off our own masks and take responsibility for what we are doing. “There is no alibi for being”. We have to stop pretending and use citations of others to prove we are right.

carnival of fools

We are now part of the Worldwide Carnival of Fools. Choose your mask out of the many masks that are available all over the world. Listen to the stories of other cultures and be surprised about the beauty and the experience they are containing. Give the Fools and the Eccentrics, the Outsiders, a chance to help you.


It will be fun.

I want to close with a citation of Paul Feyerabend (Killing Time (1995)): “People, intellectuals especially, seem unable to be content with a little more freedom, a little more happiness, a little more light. Perceiving a small advantage, they seize it, circumscribe it, nail it down, and in this way prepare a New Age of ignorance, darkness and slavery. It is rather surprising that there are still people who want to help others for personal reasons, because they are kindhearted and because they have not been intimidated by principles. It is even more surprising that some of the people can work in institutions despite the greed, the incompetence, the power struggles that seem to surround the noblest cause.”

Do you want to know more about Feyerabend read The Act of Creation: About Fusion and Con-fusion


About the Cathedrals

About the Fool in African Myths

About Fools, Pyramids and Bubbles

Why Fools always Lose

About Very Long Cycles

About the Cycle of Culture

About the Invisible Fascist State

Wednesday, August 29th, 2007

mussertMy father was born in 1909. He lived in a small village in the centre of the Netherlands.

This centre is called the Veluwe (Vale Ouwe, The Sallow Old man).

The Veluwe was the place of shifting sand and hei. At that time the people that lived there were poor. They worked as shepherds and wageworkers.

The people of the Veluwe were very religious. Many of them never attended school.

They had to believe what the Church was telling him.

Close to my fathers hometown was a hill called the Paasberg. It was the place where the Dutch Fascist Socialistic Movement (NSB) got together. Many poor people joined the movement.

They believed the Leader, Mussert, would create a better world. At the end of the war the filthy traitors of the NSB were put into concentration-camps and heavily punished by the angry survivors of the Second World War.

At the Paasberg they were told that the Jews were the cause of all the trouble in the World. The poor people did not hate the Jews. They believed the Leader just like they believed their Ministers.

They never met a real Jew. Jews were not living in a poor area like the Veluwe. They lived in the big cities far away.

The Leader told them terrible stories about what the Jews were doing. They were cheating poor people. The Jews were also the people who killed Jesus. The last argumentation was sufficient for them.

joodBehind the scene the Jews were also controlling the World. They were the prototype of the Cigar Smoking Capitalists. The NSB was using Socialist Language to convince the poor workers in the big cities.

The poor people of the Veluwe never visited the big cities. Their only means of transportation was by foot. They were also not allowed to visit the big cities. In big cities like Amsterdam the Devil was in control. All of them feared the Devil.

Every Sunday the Minister preached about hell and told them that heaven was a place almost nobody could reach.

They were born as sinners and almost every thing they were doing was interpreted as a sin. They lived a life of fear.

Everywhere in the Dark Centre of the Veluwe the Devil and his companions were hiding. Everybody knew where a Witch was secretly living and how the White Ladies of the Sunken Castle of the Solsche Gat appeared at Full Moon.

The Ministers explained them that they always had to obey Government even if the Government was taken over by the Germans. Government was always created by God and they had to obey Him.

Fascist movements always use poor innocent people to do the dirty work. They promise the Holy Land and use an External Enemy to explain why the world is not the way it is.

russian revolutionThey use religion, myth, art, culture and history as a tool. The outside enemy is destroying the old values or is responsible for the terrible state you are in.

He is creating decadent filthy sinful art or is responsible for the defeat of the last battle between the Good and the Bad.

Fascists always find a historic event where they (the Bad Ones) have taken over power.

They use this story to motivate the masses to take revenge.

The communication engine uses all of these tools to tell the message over and over again. The poor victims are programmed and programming is easy.

To create an unambiguous message the independent communication systems are slowly destroyed.

They are decadent or promoting the Bad Ones.

mussoliniThe Fascist system wants to control the schooling system. The most innocent victims are the children. They are trained to become the new elite that will save the Homeland.

The most important skill is to learn to fight the battle and to obey the leaders. Fascists love to teach the children to play with weapons.

Behind the scene the real leaders increase their wealth and more important their power.

Power is not a mean to accomplish something. They are addicted to Power and nothing more.

Now 50 years later all the Fascist Systems are replaced by a democracy and almost everybody believes all the precautionary measures are taken to prevent the comeback of Fascism.

My feeling is that almost nobody is aware of the fact that we are now living in a new type of Fascist State. I call it the Invisible Fascist State.

My argumentation is simple.

The Invisible Fascist State is generating even more power to the people “”behind the scene” than the old Fascist State was doing.

The people “behind the scene” have not changed. Their children, relatives and friends have taken over control. They know everything that is happening but they will never tell the real story.

They are still specialists in cover ups and are creating new ghost stories. All of them are trained in Machiavelli and the other geniuses who perfected the “Art to Stay in Power”.

Let’s see What is Happening.

The amount of innocent not educated people is increasing. The majority is not poor but being poor is not the issue. The only thing the people “behind the scene” don’t want is opposition and the opposition is almost gone.

Many people don’t vote and when they vote nothing changes the System. Even the Parliament is unable to change the System.

osama_bin_ladenThe Media are delivering the message and the independent Media are also almost gone. The Media are commercial and to make money they have to tell the message of the advertisers.

The advertisers are selling the message of Desire and Control. Desire and Control are the two powers Fascists always use to manipulate the Masses.

The Media also promote the new Enemy. Of course all of them are objective but objectivity is not the issue.

Passivity is the goal. A huge majority is watching television, consuming and grumbling. Grumbling is very helpful to mobilize the masses when the masses are needed to keep the System running.

The new Enemy is the Islam and Islam is also the faith of the Terrorists. To destroy the Enemy we have to increase Control. The Evil Arab Terrorist looks a lot like the Jewish Enemies 57 years, a complete Kondratiev Cycle (!!), ago.

To increase Control we have to change the System of Fundamental Laws of Human Rights. Fascists don’t like Human Rights.

Some people are even discussing the issue of one man one vote because the Enemy is increasing in numbers. They tell the people we are on a colliding course and they (the Islamic enemies) soon will take over control. They will create an Islamic State for sure.

Some people in parliament already want to ban the Koran. This increases the grumbling at “the other side”. Fascists always create a situation were two groups of innocent people start to fight.

This is helpful. It increases the tension, the grumbling and the fear. Fascists like to play with fear.

The educational system is producing more and more innocent young people. They want to play fighting games and are drinking more and more alcohol.

Teaching young people to fight is a fascist aim. Alcohol stimulates desire and increases passivity. It also affects the emotions.

Emotions are the real Enemy of the Fascists. Emotions generate Compassion and Compassion is something the Fascists are really afraid of.

The knowledge of young people about almost everything that is necessary to understand what is happening is diminishing with speed.

They have to learn to push buttons because to use the System the only thing you really need to know is to push the right button.

At school the current generation is Copying and Pasting texts they don’t understand. Nobody really cares. The entrance to high level education is lowered and the requirements to obtain a diploma are also lowered. The System is working perfectly.

Are the people behind the scene coordinating everything?

Is there a worldwide conspiracy?

I don’t think so.

The System has perfected itself.

Guantanamo-Bay-prisonersWhat many people don’t realize is that at a certain stage, called Emergence, Systems change into a Self-Reproducing Entity.

Humberto Maturana & Francisco Varela (Autopoiesis), Niklas Luhmann (Social Systems), Richard Kaufmann (The Origins of Order), Heinz Von Foerster (Second Order Cybernetics) and many others have proven this.

The System becomes Conscious and Takes over the Power. People don’t want to believe this because it is really a frightening thought. We want to be in control of everything. Please believe this is impossible. It is a fantasy. Being in control of everything is really the cause of the state we are in.

Jung calls the Invisible System the Collective Unconsciousness. The Invisible Fascists State is a Self-Reproducing Entity and we are unable to beat an invisible Entity. It has turned into a very powerful Ghost. The Ghost penetrates the dream state and generates night mares.

Long before the Fascist took over in Germany many sensitive people dreamed about the concentration camps and the other brutal acts of the Nazi’s. At that time nobody believed the unconsciousness is an Early Warning System. It warns us about the Future. Today we are in the same situation. The Emotional System is highly undervalued.

The Ghost takes his power out of Desire and Control and strangely enough the old religions in Persia called this Ghost the Devil. The Devil has taken over the Power.

The Ministers warned the poor people of the Veluwe of the Power of the Devil. The Devil was tempting them to sin. Don’t you feel this is just what the System is doing just now?

Self-reproducing Systems need the Outside World to take in the necessary Food to replace their components. If the Food is not available the System will eventually die. The Invisible Fascist State needs resources.

bushIt needs a lot of Energy and other Material Components to replace the old parts. The System has eaten almost all the food that is available.

If this happens it will experience signals. The Early Warning System of the Emotions will penetrate the dream state. We are ignoring these signals. We believe the System will take care of us.

In the next stage it will become ill. The System is already ill and we believe the System will cure itself. If the illness is not cured it will die. We believe the System will never die. Eventually it will find a cure for every disease. Do you believe that also?

If we want to change the Invisible System the only thing we can do is to Resist the Temptation. Don’t agree with too much Control and don’t give in to too much Desire.

If you are a Mythic, an Artist, you can do much more.

You have to produce a completely new type of Art, the Art of Compassion. You have to act out of the Heart.

HeartChakraThe Fascists used the Symbol of the Heart Chakra, the Seal of Solomon, the Star of David as the Symbol of Evil.

The new type of Art has to move the Collective out of the State of Fear and Apathy.

It has to generate a new Spirit and Soul.

You have to create new types of Education where the people learn simple logical reasoning based on widely available facts.

The data is available on the Internet. This will generate the necessary Awareness.

You have to build new games where cooperation is trained.

You have to create new types of Myths, Movies, Software, News Papers, Music, Buildings, Food, Cloth and Businesses.

To realize your concepts you have learn to cooperate with a new type of Expert, the Consumer.

You also have to learn to work together with all the Cultures in the World to find a new shared foundation.

You can also create the Art the System needs. The old Fascists used the Arts with Intelligence. Perhaps this will bring you wealh and recognition. Perhaps you will be invited to be part of the people behind the scene.

When you are really a Mythic you are able to reflect. When you reflect you will feel you have to leave the System. You have no choice.


Hahahaha Dadadada: About Childisch behavior and Decadence

Money Makes The World go Round

Why Psychiatrist are Unable to Cure their own Mental Disease

What do Artists and Military Man have in common?

Thursday, June 28th, 2007

john constableA few months ago I wanted to make an extensive horoscope to learn more about myself, my ex-wife (Merel Visse) and our relationship. I used

There are many choices and I ordered a Jungian Horoscope using a different name. uses Archetypes and I believe in them. They are the language of the Unknown.

Much later I found additional features of One of them is a search for look-a-likes in history, People that have the same astrological pattern. I searched for my wife and myself and our look-a-likes were all Artists or Military Man. This started a lot of reflection.

What do Artists and Military Man have in common?

I have always had the urge to become a military man or (better) a Constable. It is not a coincidence (!) that my name is John Constable. (Dutch name : Johan Konstapel). I carry the name of a very famous English romantic painter. I am a strange combination of an artist and a military man.

Constable quietly rebelled against the artistic culture that taught artists to use their imagination to compose their pictures rather than nature itself. Constable was not painting nature he became nature itself. He inspired the French impressionist of late nineteenth century.

I have a lot in common with him. I love to be immersed in Nature. I have created paintings, poetry and have made music (singing I am a counter tenor). I often wish I knew that it was possible to study Art when I was young.

When I was young I was tested to become a soldier. At that time everybody was obliged to serve in the army. The selection process came up with a spectacular result. They wanted me to become a pilot. Airplanes and especially military airplanes were my hobby. I collected photos of them. I did not enter the Army because my parents were pacifists and at that time I believed in pacifism.

I came to the sad conclusion that pacifism is a dream. War is a human affair and will never go away. I started to read about conflict-resolution. War can be prevented by diplomacy.

I applied for the Foreign Office and was almost hired when the ABN-bank offered me a better proposition. Later I realized that my interest in war and conflict were related to the conflicts in my youth.

I was raised by four parents (Father, Mother, Aunt and Grandfather) who were always fighting. I was the very young diplomat trying to create peace at home. Handling real-life conflicts is still a big problem for me (See also my blog about the Unconnected Child).

turnerWhen I started my company 10 years ago I researched the name Constable. A Constable (Konstapel) is an officer at a Dutch military ship responsible for the canons and the powder.

The aim of the Dutch Military was to explore the world finding places to buy and sell (The famous Dutch Trading Company VOC). They wanted to find new horizons and used weapons to protect themselves. They also used weapons to kill their opponents. The Dutch were really very aggressive people that covered their aggression with religion. This made it very simple to find a name, a logo (ship) and slogan “leave no stone unturned”.

I wanted to help people to discover new horizons in their work and later in themselves. Of course this also applied to me and my wife. The company is a vehicle to support our own process of discovery.

I think I have found the answer to the question.

An artist is an explorer. He explores Inner Space and expresses his findings in Outer Space. A military man explores Outer Space and expresses his findings in Outer Space.

Military man don’t want to fight. They want to play in the War Room with tiny canons, boats and tin-soldiers. The soldiers are not real. They are far away and playing in a movie. When they die they leave the stage and start living again.

straussMilitary man are also romantics. They love to practice in nature. They love uniforms. They bring them back to the time when war was a romantic affair with beautifull ladys dressed in white dancing the night away. They want to be pilots and don’t want to kill anybody. They just want to be free like a bird in the sky.

Military man get stressed when war becomes a major personal conflict. Suddenly they step out of their romantic movie in Reality and don’t know how to handle the situation. They know how to solve conflicts from a distance. They observe many of them, create new theories and help others to solve them.

They get into a personal conflict when their work is more important than their personal relationship. They get stressed and because of the stress their relationship slowly starts to disconnect. They become lonely survivors shouting out for help.

It explains also why many military man have male buddies, their “brothers in arms”. Solving a conflict with your partner creates an eternal band. Solving a conflict with a partner on a distance is impossible.

What can we learn?

Solving a conflict with your partner creates an eternal band. Avoiding a conflict creates a conflict. Many small avoided conflicts ad up to a crisis. A crisis that is not seen as a accident accelalerates into a war. A war destructs everything even the people that win the war. They are left with the memories.

My_Lai_massacreWar is a product of stress and stress is created when people stop to create and collaborate. They stop to create when they spend all their time to make money. They spend so much time making money that they don’t have the time to spend the money. When they spend the money they buy things that are almost never used like six cars, two houses etc. They buy to aquire status in the group of other people that are spending their time to make money. They are wasting vital resources.

When people are stressed they slowly disconnect and suddenly their relationship has disappeared. Because they are spending their time to work they are not able to observe this. When something happens that is disturbing their pattern they are also unable to solve the conflict because their work has to go on. They are committed to their boss, their clients, their capital and not to their partner.

What happens in a relationship can also happen in other relationships like companies, society and the world.

If we go on with wasting vital resources and don’t see that the world is moving into a huge level of stress we will suddenly wake up by a crisis that is beyond our imagination. I think we are already in this crisis and it is escalating.

This crisis will not be solved by Military Man. This crisis can only be solved by using our collective creative capacities. The nice thing is that a Military Man is really an Artist so they just have to change their focus.

The old slogan of the sixties “Make love no war” has to be changed into “Let’s create a better world together”.

And last but not least.

Let’s dance, sing, explore and enjoy the beautiful creation called Earth.

Catching the Light: About Steiner, Goethe and The Placebo Effect

Wednesday, June 6th, 2007

When I was working at ABN-bank I was doing a project to reorganize the Archives of the bank. One of my colleagues was heavily inspired by the work of Rudolph Steiner. He was very busy to create a new type of bank based on his ideas (now The Triodos-Bank). 


At the same time I met people that were practicing his ideas in the process of automation and organizational change processes. I loved what they were doing so I started to read his Books. 


Steiner came back in my life when I wanted to know more about Colors. I bought the Color Theory of Goethe and I found out that Goethe was the person that inspired Steiner the most. 


Goethe and Steiner became a force of Inspiration for Me and my Wife. She started to do Art-courses and I saw that she loved it. She even considered to become an Art-Therapist. We visited the Goetheaneum in Dornach (Zwitserland). We found an Antroposophic general practitioner. She uses Homeopathic medicine. I practiced Eurhythmics and lately I got a treatment to strengthen my “boundaries” where they use the Essential Oil of Flowers.


Arthur Zajonc is a well known Professor of Physics. He is also inspired by Rudolph Steiner and Goethe. Many people think the ideas of Steiner are weird and non-scientific but as you see even a professor of Physics knows that what he is saying to the world is of tremendous value. 


Arthur Zajonc wrote a beautifull book called “Catching The Light”. The book tries to explain Light.  It uses two perspectives. The perspective of Physics and the perspective of Steiner.


Zajonc shows that Science and Spirituality are basically telling the same story. Mind, Spirit and Soul are seeing the same thing but use different words to describe the same phenomenon.


 The most interesting part of the book is about the Imagination. Experiments show that we don’t see with our eyes. We see the world through our Imagination. 


Experiments in Physics show also that our Imagination (Our Creative Power) is controlling the Material world. Matter (Photons) is doing what the Imagination wants them it to do. We Get what we See.


Many people don’t understand the impact of this. They Think we are controlled by an outside Force (Fate) and they don’t realize that everything they are encountering in Life is created by Themselves. They don’t want to see that the Outside World is reflecting their personal creative process. If things go wrong they don’t realize that they want them to go wrong.


How can we make things go right? It’s simple. Imagine they are going right. Think positive.

Do you know why Medicine is working? 

Because we Believe its Working. 

I Love the Placebo effect!

Attraction plus Obstacles Leads to Excitement.

Thursday, May 31st, 2007

In my last Blog “Why is Western Civilization so Extreme Violent?” I wrote about Guilt or Sin.  If Guilt is transformed into Freedom Sexuality becomes an Art, a Way to Express Human Creativity.

In the “The Erotic Mind” (Jack Morin) Sexuality is seen as a general human expression. Morin has developed an “Erotic Equation“: Attraction plus Obstacles Leads to Excitement.

Morin found out that sexual obstacles in one’s youth create lifelong scripts for arousal, while a range of feelings including anxiety and anger can intensify arousal.

Morin advises readers to confront the unresolved feelings that produce “troublesome turn-ons” and offers a guide to modifying or expanding one’s erotic patterns.

In long-term relationships, Morin observes, passion is always going away; he advises couples to recognize and address the interactive tension between Intimacy and Sexual Desire.

The most important transformations of feelings that have to occur to find Pleasure in Sexuality are: Anxiety -> Security, Weakness-> Strength, Guilt/Sin-> Freedom and Anger-> Appreciation.

The Erotic Equation shows a general pattern to become Excited.

To become enthusiastic we need an Obstacle to Take. We need a Resistance.

If Everything is Repeating we get Bored and loose our Passion. If we get bored we get into a state of trance and loose our Strength.

If there are no obstacles to take People are turned into Robots. Robots that are programmed to have sex or perform procedures according to the rules of the programmer. If this succeeds they can be removed and the Program takes over.

The Programmer can be found everywhere.

The first Programmers are our parents. They program their lost expectations. They didn’t make a career and we have to make a career. They didn’t go to University and we have to get a title and even better become a professor.

The second programming is done in School. Sexual Education kills the Art of Sex because we are told “How it Works”. First we have to fall in Love and later we get Children and we go on Loving each other.

We are not told that (Morin) passion is not something we get. We have to invest in Passion.

In the end couples get stuck because the Programmer has formulated the Rule that when we marry we have to stay together “to the end”.

The most effective programmer are the Media. Porno shows how (mostly males) have to perform (!).

The most successful shows and movies stimulate the Romantic Mind and mostly Girls start to believe that Getting Married and Having Children is the Rule.

How can we avoid to get Programmed?

It is easy.

Define an obstacle and start to remove it.

Climb the Hill, Smash the Wall and see the Beautiful Territory that is there to Discover.

But one thing is very important.

Find a partner to travel with. If he or she gives you deep trust which has passed the test of time, loyalty built on shared experience, mutual compassion, and the feeling of a safe haven in the face of life’s unpredictability, the Sky is The Limit.

If Partners avoid the pitfall of turning each other into Parental surrogates who alternate between offering Safety and Imposing Burdens, both can enjoy and savour the best what relationship has to offer.


About the Dance of Innovation

How to Resolve Conflicts

About Mathematics and Excitement

Why Psychiatrists are unable to Cure their own Mental Diseases