Status Report Future Center Smart Systems

By Hans Konstapel July 12th, 2014, under Business, Completed, Computer and Communication Technology

The Future Center Smart Systems was launched the 23th of April 2014. After the launch a part of the participants wanted to be part of the process. Intake To support this process we have created an intake-procedure  to make sure that the issue at stake is related to Smart Systems and that it is possible to move [...]

About the Next Steps of the Future Center Smart Systems and the Leiden Center of Data Science

By Hans Konstapel May 4th, 2014, under Business, Completed, Computer and Communication Technology, Cycles, Ecology, Law, Learning, Mathematics, Media, Physics

At 28-4-2014 the Future Center Smart Systems (FCSS) was launched At the same moment the Leiden Center of Data Science (LCDS) was announced. This is not a coincidence. FCSS and LCDS are two parts of the same coin. LCDS is focused on the Science of Data and FCSS is focused on using the results of [...]

About the Next Wave of the Kondratiev Cycle

By Hans Konstapel April 17th, 2014, under Business, Completed, Computer and Communication Technology, Cycles, Economy, History, Learning

The Future Center Smart Systems will be launched, 23-4-2014 in the Hague. To prepare for the interactive part of the meeting this document has been written to provide some Food for Thought. What is a Future Center? A Future Center is a place to connect and innovate. We want to create an environment that facilitates [...]

Launch Future Center Smart Systems

By Hans Konstapel February 27th, 2014, under Business, Completed, Computer and Communication Technology

Wednesday the 23th of April 2014 13:00 – 17:00 we want to launch the Future Center Smart Systems. The meeting will take place in the Living Lab of the The Hague Centre for Innovation, 2nd floor Campus Den Haag, Schouwburgstraat 2, 2511 VA Den Haag. The Future Center is an initiative of LIACS, Leiden Institute [...]

About Autarky

By Hans Konstapel October 11th, 2012, under Biology, Business, Completed, Cycles, Ecology, Economy, History, Learning, Philosophy, Psychology

The amount of local cooperative energy-companies in the Netherlands (in 2012) is increasing. It all has to do with the decrease of the price of solar-sells but there is more at stake. Local energy-companies are part of a movement aimed at Autarky. Autarky is the quality of being self-sufficient. The word Autarky comes from Greek αὐτάρκεια (autárkeia), itself from αὐτός (autós) = [...]

Over de Paradoxen van het Leven (in Dutch)

By Hans Konstapel August 14th, 2012, under Completed, Cycles

INLEIDING Op woensdag 26 september 2012, 15.30 – 17.30 heb ik een verhaal verteld over Path of Change in het Dialoques House van ABN AMRO in Amsterdam ZO. Hierbij de plaatjes van de presentatie. Als er vragen zijn stel ze gerust via email ( ). Paths of Change gaat over veranderen en is ontwikkeld door Will McWhinney. [...]

About Intelligent Design

By Hans Konstapel April 17th, 2012, under Biology, Completed, Cycles, Ecology, Economy, History, Mathematics, Philosophy, Physics

Thermodynamics, the Science of Heat, became an important science in the 19th century when physicists started to improve the Steam-Machine. This blog is about a recently discovered law of Thermodynamics called the Constructal Law. The Constructal Law describes How Intelligent Systems emerge out of the Laws of Thermodynamics. According to Thermodynamics the evolution of the [...]