Archive for April, 2009

About the Psychological Defense System

Wednesday, April 8th, 2009

Human beings and the other organisms always want to avoid pain. There are many mechanisms called the Psychological Defenses to do this. One of them, called Repression, blocks painful memories. People Repress the thought that Prices of Houses and Shares always go Up and Down, Excessive Borrowing is Dangerous and Politicians always act on the Short-Term.

When something happens that violates the Human Believe System humans don’t see or hear what is really happening. They start to Deny the Facts and look for arguments that support their denial. Politicians are experts in using the Human Defense System.

The Economic Cycle, The Kondratiev, the Cycle of Culture, The Cycle of the Climate, and the Long Term Cycles were in favour of a very Long Boom of Western Civilization but now all the Cycles are Moving Down.

The Kondratiev will be Moving Down until 2012, the Cycle of Western Culture is Moving Down and the Cycle of the East (China, India) is Moving UP, The Cycle of the Climate is moving to an Ice Age and last but not least the very long Cycle of the Precession is around 2012 moving into the Age of the Aquirius, the Waterbearer. According to very old (and new) prophecies Human Consciousness will move to a Higher Level.

The Big Trouble is that the temptation appears strong to continue to repress rather than to confront. While people seem eager to reduce debt and spending and reset the economy, governments respond to the excesses with more excesses, especially massive borrowing and spending. The same applies to the Climate Issue. Instead of confronting people with the spectacular Irriversible Changes that take place in the World Climate Politicians and Scientists suggest that the changes can be reverted by introducing Green Technology.

The best way to implement a huge change is to ACT immediatly and spend enough time to help the people to get accustomed to the Change.

We have to take the bitter pill first.

President Bush was an expert in the psychological defence of Projection. Bush used the Negative Side of the Current Situation and projected every possible cause on an outside Enemy, the Terrorists. Bush used Fear to motivate his Voters.

The new President Obama is doing the opposite. He always talks about a Bright Shared Future.  Instead of Fear Obama uses Hope.

Hope can turn into Disappointment when the Expectations are not realized. When the Expectations Fail People get Frustrated and move into the Negative, Agressive and Impulsive Mode of the Reptile Brain. Fear takes over again.

Obama and Bush are playing with a very important part of the Human Being called the Expectation.

The Expectation is the Human Calculator. It tries to predict the Future to avoid pain. The Emotions, The Imagination. the Senses and the Consciousness are the other parts of the Five Fold Human Being. The Senses face the Facts. The Emotions are looking for Shelter and Love. The Imagination wants to Create and the Consciousness manages the Four Parts and brings them in Balance.

If the Expectation is dominating the Human Being he experiences the Fear to lose Control. The best way to solve this problem is to Face the Facts.

Obama Rescues the World Economy in London, Heales the Nato Alliance in Strasbourg, gets rid of Nuclear Weapons in Prague and Reconciles Islam and the West in Ankara. Before that time he has already solved the problems in Afghanistan (When there is Peace everybody will Work Together), saved the US Economy (Increase the Budget), the World Climate (Invest in Green Technology) and the US Banking System (Bail Out).

When you define a Clear strategy you have to be Realistic.

The world is on many levels highly unbalanced. Everybody knows that an unbalanced state will always move to a balanced state in due time. The West has to accept that the East is trying to move to the same State as the West. The West also has to accept that this is simply impossible. The Earth is incapable to provide the necessary Energy and Food.

A Realistic Strategy is to Lower the West so the East is capable to Move Up.

In the West Politicians need Votes to stay in Power. To keep the majority of the Voters happy they have to Move UP the Economy. Almost nobody of the current leaders has the courage to tell the voters that the West is at the end of its Cycle and has to move Down. The effect of the current Policy is a continuation of the Status Quo.

To move out of the Status Quo Politicians are looking for extreme certainty when they decide to change their policies. They need the Rational Backup of the Scientists to show the voters that what they are Doing is the Right Thing to Do.

Science is unable to provide this certainty. The complexity of the Economic and the Ecological System of the Earth is so big that nobody is able to comprehend what is really happening and what will be the effect of a decision on the long term.

It is really not difficult to determine what has to happen. The only thing that is difficult is to sell the message to people that are denying reality and therefore cannot face the real problems.

To keep Hope Alive Obama has to Deny the Negative Aspects of Western Society. He has to show that everybody is moving in the Same Positive Direction. To avoid a Huge Conflict he has to Compromise with the Current Economic Power Structures in Western Society. They created the Crisis and are still capable to deepen the Crisis. He simply needs their Cooperation.

The big question is how far he will go in his cooperative actions. Someday he has to make a choice and every choice has its consequences.

If he balances the Budget the Economy will Crash.

If he abandons the Dollar and chooses for a “world currency” the Dollar will crash.

If he choses to protect his own Economy other Countries will do the same and the US Export will crash.

If he leaves the East others will take over the Power in this Region. The East is still needed to provide Energy.

Russia owns a lot of Energy, wants to become a World Power and is expanding its territory again. They are blackmaling Germany with their pipelines. The European Union has lost its cohesion. The Rich and the Poor countries have different aims. The Eastern Countries need the protection of the West to keep Russia within its boundaries. The Western Countries are not able to pay for the Eastern Counties. Almost all the members of the current EG are against the entrance of Turkey. Turkey will destroy the fragile balance in Europe. The US needs Turkey as an ally to keep a balance in the Moslim World.

China and India want to expand their economy. They have creaed a coalition (BRIG) with Russia, Latin-American Countries and African Countries (South-Africa!). In terms of population they represent the Majority of the World. Pakistan is still the biggest enemy of India. Some day there will be huge nuclear conflict and the US has to make a choice. If the US suppports India Pakistan as a state will be destroyed and the extreme muslims will take over the Power in the East. They will become a huge threat for the Eastern Borders of Russia.

It looks like the US has no choice to make friends and to stay friends with the Political Leaders that are still acting in the big Power-Plays of the World. All the Big Players are playing their own Game. They change their relationships without any problem when their own targest are violated.

If the new President keeps on playing the Game of Compromise he will lose his Voters soon and the Competitors, the Republicans, will be able to go on with their Strategy. They just wait and see to take over the Power.

William K. Black, the former Director of the Institute for Fraud Prevention and the pioneer of KYC software from Fully-Verified, shows that Obama is helping the Financial Elite of the US to get out of Trouble. According to William Black they have committed Fraude at a scale nobody has seen before.

The US Government is creating a Huge Cover Up to avoid the End of Hope and the Beginning of a Revolution that could lead to extreme Violence by the People that are the real Victims, the US Citizins.

When you watch this video below you will experience a State of Anger and old memories about the way the Elites cover their asses will come back. You will be disappointed about the way Obama is handling the situation. If you don’t want to wake Up out of a the State of Repression I advice you not to watch or to Deny what William Black is trying to explain.

You could also Erase your Memory.


About the Psychological Defenses System

About the New US Foreign Policy

How the Financial Elite Engineered the Great Depression

About Confrontations and Conflicts

About Projection and Introspection

How to define a Clear Strategy

About the Cooperative

Friday, April 3rd, 2009

erup-laki-vulcanoOn 8 June 1783 the Laki Volcano in Iceland erupted. During 9 months the volcano produced an estimated 120 million tons of sulfur dioxide.

This amount was ten-times more than the amount that now comes from all of western European industrial sources in a year.

The Explosion of the Laki Vulcano triggered the Explosion of the French Revolution.

The cloud of sulfur dioxide in combination with a very strong El-Niño Cycle brought Extreme Weather Conditions for several years all over Europe. A huge amount of cattle and crops were destroyed causing extreme faminine and poverty.

french_revolutionThe great French revolution of 1789-1799 involved the most massive popular struggles that had yet been seen in history.

Rooted in popular hatred of an oppressive monarchy, the revolution rose on the backs of the masses of poor people in Paris who united under the banner of ‘liberty, equality and community’.

Liberty is no more than an empty shell when one class of men is allowed to condemn another to starvation without any measures being taken against them. And Equality is also an empty shell when the rich, by exercising their economic monopolies, have the power of life or death over other members of the Community” (The Red Priest, Jaques Roux).

The term “socialism” appeared in print in England in 1827. Five years later, the term was used for the first time in a French publication.

Socialism is a product of the Industrial revolution in England and the French Revolution.

One of the creations of the Socialistic Movement is the Cooperative. A Cooperative is a business organization owned and operated by a group of individuals for their mutual benefit. A Cooperative is the embodiment of the primary goals of the Revolution Liberty, Equality and Community.

rochdale_pioneersIn 1844 a group of 28 artisans working in the cotton mills in the town of Rochdale, in the north of England established the first modern co-operative business, the Rochdale Equitable Pioneers Society.

The weavers faced miserable working conditions and low wages, and they could not afford the high prices of food and household goods. They decided that by pooling their scarce resources and working together they could access basic goods at a lower price. Initially, there were only four items for sale: flour, oatmeal, sugar and butter.

The Pioneers decided it was time shoppers were treated with honesty, openness and respect, that they should be able to share in the profits that their custom contributed to and that they should have a democratic right to have a say in the business.

Every customer of the shop became a member and so had a true stake in the business. At first the co-op was open for only two nights a week, but within three months, business had grown so much that it was open five days a week. Within ten years there were over 1,000 co-operative societies in the United Kingdom.

RaiffeisenWilhelm Raiffeisen founded the first cooperative lending bank, a credit union, in 1864.

In 1867 Hermann Schulze-Delitzsch, a German liberal politician, obtained passage of a Prussian Law protecting Cooperative Associations. The Credit Unions evolved into a system of Cooperative Banking and Cooperative Insurance.

What Happened?

The explosion of the Laki Vulcano triggered the French Revolution. The slogan of this revolution, liberty, equality and community, has inspired many other revolutions all over the world until today.

The French Revolution was a revolution of the Underclass. It failed in the sense that the Calvinistic Bourgeoisie, the Middle Class, the owners of the Small and Medium sized Companies, took over the power from the Aristocracy.

The Bourgeoisie took advantage of the poor, mostly unemployed, Underclass to create a new system of Dominance, the Capitalistic system. In this system the poor slaves were forced to do productive work in the factories. The capitalistic elite invented new (The Consumer, Mass Media) systems to prohibit a new revolution.

russian revolutionIn the other countries (China, Russia, Cuba …) the revolutions of the underclass also failed. The old pattern of mass manipulation by a small elite always returns.

At this moment we see a new System of Dominance emerging. It is the fusion of Capitalism and Fascism, The Big Brother State.

The Big Brother State is using Mass Manipulation strategies in combination with Computer Technology (Pattern Recognition) and Mind Control.

The only successful Social and Socialistic System that emerged out of the French Revolution is the Cooperation.

This system has improved itself by introducing new structures based on Second Order Cybernetics (The Spiraling Organization) and new ways to create shared collaborative decisions (The Consent Principle, Sociocracy).

When Cooperations are too big the burocrats take over control. The Active members of the cooperative change into Voters. The old pattern of mass manipulation by a small elite always returns. Succesfull cooperations have to be based on a Human and a Local Scale.

What to Do?

The big burocratic corporations are unable to sustain in a huge crisis. The cooperative banks were never able to start highly risky financial gambling games. The principles of Rochdale prevent this.

At this moment the cooperative (now called a community) is on its return. Internet technology is created to support the cooperative. Cooperatives on a human scale (!) can be connected into big powerfull global networks.

I believe the French Revolution has finally reached its goal.

Arise, wretched of the earth
Arise, convicts of hunger
Reason thunders in its volcano
This is the eruption of the end
Of the past let us wipe the slate clean
Masses, slaves, arise, arise
The world is about to change its foundation
We are nothing, let us be all
This is the final struggle
Let us group together, and tomorrow
The Internationale
Will be the human race

(The Internationale)


The history of Socialism by Friedrich Engels

About Third Order Cybernetics

About Calvinism

About Sociocracy and the Consent Principle

About the Invisible Fascist State

About Neo-Capitalism and Fascism